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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Would anyone like to trade for a 4 IV Calm Rotom? (Any combo of 4 except Attack I believe)
  2. Perfect? Not really worth my time in all honesty. 5 IV I have sitting around. The chances of me hatching a perfect female is (1/384).
  3. Ugh, Rotom why are you so hard to breed.... 14 4 IV Rotom's, No 5 IV
  4. Well I have an extra leftovers. As for pokemon I can breed 5 IV's of Deino, (DW) Fletchling, Honedge, Gastly all pretty quickly.
  5. Anyone willing to trade a Charizardite Y? I could give Charizardite X (+ more if necessary)
  6. So apparently the Egg IV Mold method (don't know if there's an official name for it), doesn't work with genderless pokemon. Got a 4 IV Rotom, gotta get that SpA though too.
  7. Tell me your not trying to breed 5 or 6 perfect IVs? On Gen V mechanics, have fun with that.
  8. Finally got my Bunnelby pickup army to get me my first extra leftovers in this game. #FeelsGoodMan
  9. Wasn't my first shiny but if I ever get a Shiny Scyther, I'm naming it Clamps
  10. No mixed attackers. Preferably something a little more Special Wall like. I don't suppose you have 5 IV Rotoms? But almost anything that is used semi regularly by most people is fine. 5 IV pokemon I already have (Just not these): Gengar Greninja Talonflame Aegislash Mawile Hydreigon
  11. Just hatched a 6 IV Timid Gastly, willing to trade for a 5 IV pokemon I don't already have.
  12. Sure get two more people and I'm down.
  13. Khangaskhan (F) @ Kangaskanite Ability: Scrappy EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 Spd Bold Nature (+Attack - Speed) Sucker Punch Power-Up Punch Earthquake Return
  14. When Rotom-W users don't realize Excadrill has Mold Breaker
  15. All it takes to kill the first one is a decent special attacker with Fire/Ice/Flying type move. Contrary Absolutely.
  16. Can I get one Male and one Female Scyther? I have 5 IV Deino, Fletchling, Honedge.
  17. If you haven't got your Talonflame's yet. I have two 5 IV (No SpA) Adamant, Gale Wing Fletchling's available for trade, I'll take any other 5 IV pokemon really.
  18. Ferrothorn and Reaper Cloth... I mean Dusknoir
  19. XBL: FAC3oftheD3AD (Primarily)(Multiplayer Games) Gears of War 3 Left 4 Dead 2
  20. If you want to be treated more like an Adult, than act more like one. There is no challenge to survive it. You get everything for free. It really bothers me when kids act like this.
  21. I haven't got around to doing all the extras in the Aventurine forrest yet. But ame, can you please put in some TM's maybe a little better than say... Telekinesis Safeguard Ally Switch Quash Embargo Struggle Bug Psych Up I mean what's there is there, but we have 8 badges now, getting TM's like that at this point it kind of ridiculous IMO.
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