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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Does the trial version of RPG Maker give me enough to seriously tinker with this?
  2. Yes in the Onyx Ward West of the Game Corner.
  3. This thread makes me feel dumb, how do I even access the actual game script?
  4. I'd like to see Rhyhorn and Rhydon, but not Rhyperior, yet.
  5. Speed, It makes Sandslash a good pokemon to actually use. I've never raised one and wouldn't unless I was considering a Ground Team, but even then there are so many more better options.
  6. How much you wanna bet Charlotte leads off with a Ninetales basically like what you guys are talking about. What would be a good counter for this? Best thing I can think of is my Flygon with earthquake. Fire is 1/2 and grass is neutral no stab. Just have to hope it can take a Solarbeam.
  7. Power Lock Base Power: -- PP: 5 Type: Psychic Opponent's team can not use stat boosting moves for 5 turns.
  8. ^^^Change your avatar bro, that thing gave me nightmares as a kid.
  9. I actually do believe Ame said she has plans now to make the Shards have some use IIRC. Possibly a move tutor like the main series.
  10. I always have potions, but 95% of the time I'm too stubborn to use them, I'd rather lose than resort to using them. I don't know why.
  11. Never really bothered to listen to Wale before, but I did just listen to that song. Flow: Good Lyrical Talent: Average All-in-all, seems like he can be good, just isn't my cup of tea.
  12. Need a name for my Bulbasaur (Venasaur). Can't think of anything I like at all.
  13. Yeah if you can get it to Scrafty you can just about sweep. However I don't think Payback does double damage in this game. At least it doesn't seem to.
  14. Why would Ame send you a message about that? She'll usually just post in here. Anyways, Legendaries are lame anyways.
  15. Can't we just let Flygons be flygons?
  16. 4 Hyper Potion Gym Battles. Only the Champion is supposed to have 4 healing items.
  17. I dunno, I feel like the boss of Team Meteor being the Champion would be too similar to Black and White. I really don't want it to be the case. What if Gossip Gardevoir is the champion?
  18. Sneasel/Weaville Hippopotas/Hippowdon Rhyhorn/Rhydon (Not Rhyperior just yet though)
  19. I've got 5, I wish you could get Rare Candy's to the 30% tile.
  20. Well I forgot about that TV thing and I remember that now. I don't think LIn will be the Champion, you see her Die in Shades Gym, maybe Shade is just a troll though. I mean look he's even got a troll in his stomach.
  21. Put the Power (Anklet/Bracer/etc.) on the next floor of the department store, that'd be great, and as much as I doubt it, I'd love the Reaper Cloth to be available like the Department store claims to have. False. Advertisement.
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