There in lies the fundamental problem of America. Either politicians don't know or don't care (depending on who is being spoken of) that the SUPER elite, are paying hardly any taxes. They take advantage of loopholes, but those who are 6 figures instead of 7,8,9+ have a far more difficult time taking advantage of said loopholes. To put it simply, it's not uncommon for those who are doing well, but would not be the super elite to pay an effective tax rate of 35%, while the CEO's and other insanely rich types will pay anywhere between 9% to 17% as a rough estimate. Not only that but many of those who are making 6 figures are small business owners and the increased taxes often will lead to the loss of jobs that would otherwise not occur.
Long story short, don't raise the taxes, close the loopholes. Both the left and the right likely do nothing about this because of the everlasting love affair between money and career politicians who are more concerned about their re-election than their services to the people. Companies and Tycoons give them money for their campaign and push said politicians, and the politicians pretend things aren't wrong and pass policies that hurt the larger number of people. I'd say probably about 70-90% of U.S. federal politicians might fall under this umbrella.