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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Ranking all of the Republicans as well as Bernie and Hillary 1. Rand Paul (Far and away favorite) 2. Ted Cruz 3. Marco Rubio (Definitely electable cutoff line) 4. Donald Trump (Not sure if I can bring myself to vote for him or not, I'll vote for him only if it comes down to him vs Hillary) 5. Ben Carson 6. Mike Huckabee 7. John Kasich 8. Scott Walker 9. Carly Fiorina 10. Bernie Sanders 11. Chris Christie 12. Jeb Bush 7Billion. Hillary Clinton So yes I'd vote for Trump over Hillary. #AnyoneOverHillary
  2. Denied. To be honest, I'm half tempted to just lock this thread.
  3. I'm going to call it right now. After March 15th with Ohio and Florida, both Rubio and Kasich are both going to drop. Oh and Carson is still around for some reason. Don't know if Bernie has a shot. As for Cruz's chances, I'd give him a 30% chance assuming my prediction holds true.
  4. "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." ~ Voltaire

  5. Also, I'm still a cat. Meow

    1. Exalted


      *Puts catnip infront of jericho*

  6. Behold beautiful beginnings before becoming belligerent! Can callous kids construct concord? Definitely do derail dastardly deeds dutifully. Every event erects excessive exuberance. For fortune finally falls fruitfully! .............. More meticulous moderation may make mornings marvelous. Zumi zips zags and zonks zany zealots. Servers shall surely see supreme safety! Fanatics find few fears, for flowers face fanclub follies. Rest relaxed, Rosesong reigns righteously! Jeer Jericho's junky job. Until next time folks.
  7. First two to come to mind are Sunflora and Ledian.
  8. Perfect Zygarde will have a role in these games somehow. Count on it. 1. They wouldn't release it for nothing, and 2, you can see the sun and moon colors on it's 'mouth' thing. As for this games legendaries, I really do believe there will be something to do with Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi. With the 3rd legendary being from Susanoo. My next question is, will Izanagi and Izanami play a role? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amaterasu https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsukuyomi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susanoo The one based off of Amaterasu in Sun Version will at least be part Fire or Fairy Type. The one based off of Tsukuyomi in Moon Version will be at least part Dark or Rock Type. The one based off of Susanoo will be at least part Water Type.
  9. Oh baby, those are such great shoes.

  10. We. Don't. Need. Multiple. Threads. *sigh*
  11. This feature is exclusive to Sun and Moon, please use the thread (which I'm now pinning).
  12. We already have a thread for this literally right below. No need for another one.
  13. I <3 homework

    1. Skeleton
    2. Narckarth


      you're a special case aren't you

  14. Woah.... I take offense to you jumping to the conclusion of it being 7th gen. There is absolutely no proof of that, nor that these games will be revealed tomorrow.
  15. Pokemon: Sun and Pokemon: Moon? http://i.imgur.com/XIOdYgJm.png

    1. Red_Chaos


      idk man seems dumb to me :/

  16. Don't burn yourself out though Janny.
  17. Amethyst... in a parallel universe.
  18. I'm a GOAT!

    1. Combat


      I would have assumed you were a cat.

  19. If y'all give me questions I'll put them up, this just hasn't been something that I've had on my mind much lately. Remember if you have suggestions please put them in green.
  20. Look out for Life Orb Kyu-B and Banded Azumarill.
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