So, I was reading this article, and thought I'd give my opinion(s) on the matter, and also wanted to hear yours. (I'm particularly interested in hearing from Mael here)
There's the old argument that equality means equality in all senses, not just in opportunity but also in responsibility. While I do agree with this train of thought, I come to question the average woman's ability to handle the responsibilities of particular roles in the military. From as near as I can tell, the typical US soldier can be expected to carry 60+ pounds at pretty much all times. It's no secret than men's bodies tend to be more physically capable compared to their female counterparts. Would women be as effective and capable to bear the weight physically and in turn mentally? I'm aware there are women who do so now, but they do it voluntarily. They usually know what they're getting themselves into before hand and accept the challenges that come with it. This is not a jab at women's capability to do what men can also do, but that elephant in the room of the physical differences between men and women and being capable of filling particular roles. I'm certain there are a wide variety of roles women can fill in the military, but there are others I'm not so certain. All in all, this conversation doesn't really mean very much since the last time the United States military had a draft was in 1972 as the war in Vietnam was winding down.
So what say you folks?