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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. You can say what you have to say, 'cause my mind's made up anyway, all that bullshit you talk might work a lot, but it's not gonna work today.

  2. Madden Soundtracks were how I found most of the music I ended up getting into until about highschool. Pandora is nice for that now. It seems it won't put a playlist here on the forum.
  3. Unpinning this until free agency starts.
  4. Anyone else ever get those moments where you for at least the time being... don't give a damn about anyone?

    1. Joker


      Me for the past few weeks

    2. Caz


      I know the feeling man, for some reason it's so liberating ._.

    3. Kurotsune
  5. Not one for long wordy appreciations in public. You're a great person Famke. I'll be sure to express my appreciation to you sometime soon via PM. For the time being.... get off yer butt and tell him how you feel.
  6. This doesn't even necessarily mean Gen 7. Zygarde and co are still going to play key factors. It -could- be that Gen 6 is going to be broken into two halves. There were only about 60??? new pokemon in XY. Could get considerably more in this next game but still have it running on Gen 6. Also could just be an additional one pokemon. I'm still not sold this is 'Gen 7'. Maybe it is though. Maybe they're going the route of Gen 2 this time.
  7. That was awful. I thought to myself "Is this what advertising has come down to? IS THE BEST THEY CAN DO????? This is absolutely stupid."
  8. Congrats Peyton, it was a good final rodeo. Now walk off into the sunset.

  9. I'm going to lock this thread. It was my thread, and it's also got way too out of hand. I was more critical and more strongly opinionated than I often am, so this is partly on me. Regardless, we are not getting anywhere anymore and it has just come down to a difference of opinions and butting heads.
  10. It's how life works. Bad people do exist, if you're not willing to fight them yourself then do you deserve the freedom from those who are willing to fight should your backs be up against the wall? It comes back to if the need arises. As many have mentioned before a draft is a last resort, if you're not willing to answer the call to fight for your own freedom when there's no other option, then you do not deserve to be free.
  11. Is life worth living if you're not free? Because I guarantee you this, if you're not going to fight for your freedom, someone WILL take it away from you when push comes to shove. We're making two completely different but not necessarily opposing points. You're saying that no one should be drafted into a fight they don't want to participate in. I'm saying that no one should be drafted because I'd expect people to actually be willing to fight for their freedom. If you aren't willing to fight for your freedom, then you deserve to be ruled by a tyrannical dictator who will leave you much worse off.
  12. You're right, people shouldn't be drafted, if the need arises, they SHOULD be willing to fight for their freedom. Not just expect someone else to do it for you, while you sit at home.
  13. All politicians lie. Ted Cruz is a politician. ∴ Ted Cruz lies. Hillary Clinton is a politician. ∴ Hillary Clinton lies. Bernie Sanders is a politician. ∴ Bernie Sanders lies. They all lie, simple as that. People only notice the lies of the ones they dislike though.
  14. As is standard in pokemon fan games made with RPG Maker, each release contains it's previous releases within it, think of it as DLC that's just added, and you're downloading the new expanded version with the new content and all old content as well.
  15. Nope each game in the Expose is a standalone project.
  16. Depends if we're talking in absolutes. Hated by everyone? No I'd rather be forgotten. Hated by some? Yeah I don't mind that, some people will still respect me and be good friends.
  17. You're not wrong, but their are the tendencies that men are usually stronger and much for attuned to add the necessary muscle mass/needed levels of fitness expected for the duties of a soldier. All in all, I think after having read this thread, I'm in support of what Mael and others have said. Add women to the ranks of the selective services and should it be necessary at some point in the future, assign people to the roles they'd be best at, even if for women it's mostly non combat.
  18. I'm sure they can LIFT 60 pounds. That's not the issue. I'm sure Mael will be able to reinforce this better than I can, but soldiers likely have it on them at all times while walking through whatever terrain. Including a forrest or a scorching desert of the middle east.
  19. That's correct, while that would be ideal it's not likely to happen. With the conditioning of training camp that might change, you also are not a full grown adult. This is more geared towards asking your opinions, but my point is, I'm not sure if women on average will be able to live up to the physical taxation that comes from typical combat roles, so does it make sense to add Women to the ranks of selective service for the sake of 'equality'?
  20. So, I was reading this article, and thought I'd give my opinion(s) on the matter, and also wanted to hear yours. (I'm particularly interested in hearing from Mael here) There's the old argument that equality means equality in all senses, not just in opportunity but also in responsibility. While I do agree with this train of thought, I come to question the average woman's ability to handle the responsibilities of particular roles in the military. From as near as I can tell, the typical US soldier can be expected to carry 60+ pounds at pretty much all times. It's no secret than men's bodies tend to be more physically capable compared to their female counterparts. Would women be as effective and capable to bear the weight physically and in turn mentally? I'm aware there are women who do so now, but they do it voluntarily. They usually know what they're getting themselves into before hand and accept the challenges that come with it. This is not a jab at women's capability to do what men can also do, but that elephant in the room of the physical differences between men and women and being capable of filling particular roles. I'm certain there are a wide variety of roles women can fill in the military, but there are others I'm not so certain. All in all, this conversation doesn't really mean very much since the last time the United States military had a draft was in 1972 as the war in Vietnam was winding down. So what say you folks?
  21. Freedom of speech isn't brought into question right now. Freedom of Speech refers to the freedom to say as you will without punishment from the government, not criticism from your peers. In the cases being presented earlier in this thread, I don't believe anyone was advocating for strict anti hate speech laws.
  22. I know that the more one knows, the more they'll know that they don't know.

    1. FeralGator


      It's also true that the more one knows, the more they know that they know, knowing that what they know is something they should know. Y'know?

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