Will read more and give more in depth analysis tomorrow, but a quick few notes.
Hillary's National number lead is very misleading.
Two of the crucial primary state battlegrounds Iowa and New Hampshire
Sanders: 46.0
Clinton: 45.8
New Hampshire
Sanders: 53.1
Clinton: 39.3
These two states are huge because they set the tone of the campaign, on top of that Bernie is surging while Hillary very well may be indicted any day now for her E-Mail scandal according to articles I've read.
The Dems, it's a coin flip at this point.
With the GOP, I'd say Trump is the front runner, but it's not as big of a lead over Cruz as you'd expect. Once others finally get the memo and start dropping, all the GOP anti-Trumpers will shift to one of the two leading candidates in Rubio and Cruz. With Cruz being the next closest, I think the majority will switch to him simply because they don't want Trump.
All in all, it's a 4 candidate race right now. Trump, Cruz, Clinton, Sanders. With Rubio hanging on for dear life. No one else has a chance and honestly should call it quits to save us all a bunch of time.