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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. I'm an animal and a Carnivore? #Bearicho #Jerbear (Blame Amethyst for the second one)
  2. Nope. I want to be in a suit. Dapper >>>> everything
  3. The argument could be made that Sanders, Obama, hell most left wingers hate people who have success, well except themselves, fellow politicians, and the CEO's who line their pockets. "If you have success GREAT, pay your fair share which is far far more because obviously you got there by taking advantage of others, you scum." Do I believe any of these individuals running hates specific groups of people? No. Do they all discriminate? Do they all generalize? Do they all say things that could be considered controversial? Yeah, they do. Politicians will pander to whoever their voting base is, it doesn't mean they hate anyone else, they believe something different than you and they're wording it in ways to appeal to those who will give them the office. It's called playing politics.
  4. "Failing to plan is planning to fail." Part of the reason the Redemption League is as successful as it's been is that before it hit the mainstream a huge part of the groundwork had been laid out. It would appear that you made this decision on a whim and your presentation is just something you wrote down on a napkin. You didn't put much thought into it or consider many things that still need to be looked at. That said, best of luck to you.
  5. Their platform may come across more as hatred, but I believe it's more about being against the overly restrictive social norms of political correctness where people feel they will be chastised for saying just about anything that comes to their mind.
  6. Believe me I like bernie in principle, his heart is in the right place, all in all though his proposed policies seem naive yo me.
  7. Indulge in what you enjoy, just remember to do so in moderation.

    1. Shamitako



      [insert maniacal giggling here because I can't think of a good onomatopoeia]

    2. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      Says the moderator.

  8. What makes you say that? I understand that you might not like them and feel that Clinton or Sanders are better candidates for you, but competing poll numbers have them all fairly close in general election matchups.
  9. I find it amusing how much everyone dislikes Trump, as if he's actually going to do half the things he's said. That's Trump's game, he talks big, and he'll say anything he has to to win.
  10. I got a request, don't think it'd be terribly easy, it falls under the category of Dan. I'd like to see a way to apply filters to the Notifications Panel. i.e. View notifications of just 'x Quoted a post you made'
  11. All these posts. And not one music..... for shame.
  12. Draw me like one of your french mods.
  13. My reaction can only be summed up as the following.
  14. Street Rat Andreas is based on EternalEdge :^)
  15. “Rules are for children. This is war, and in war the only crime is to lose.” ― Joe Abercrombie

    1. Felicity


      So why are people charged for war crimes that aren't losing?

    2. Shamitako


      Why aren't people charged for war crimes when they win?

  16. http://www.wsj.com/articles/price-tag-of-bernie-sanders-proposals-18-trillion-1442271511 I'd like to point out that Sanders is promising more than is feasibly possible. $18 Trillion in additional spending in the next decade. Taking into account the growth and inflation, we can reasonably call that about $1.5 Trillion in additional value in today's monetary value on average over the next 10 years. That'd require a federal budget increase of about 40% in order to make sure we're not creating even higher deficits on a yearly basis than we are now. The real show of how much more we are spending then taking in as a whole on a year to year basis can be looked at by comparing the national debt on a yearly basis. Over the past four years we've had on average $940 Billion in new debt added. To cover Bernie's new expenditures and the additional debt added (balancing the budget) you'd need to increase tax revenue by 65%. Small businesses would be the ones who'd be bearing the brunt of it and their effective tax rate would likely rise from about 20% to probably over 40% if we wanted to balance the budget. 30-35% if we were just looking to fund Bernie's new programs. It could very well be higher, unless the corporate are really put on lock down. The thing that I've always found amusing is that no one seems to realize that even with in the top 1% there is still a very large income discrepancy, the corporate big wigs are at the top .01%, small businesses who are hurt the most are usually from the top .5%-5%. The big wigs are able to take advantage of loopholes and lower their effective tax rates in ways small business owners can not. This isn't me clamoring for any specific direction, I just felt that it was necessary for you to know that line behind the rich and the poor isn't quite as cleanly defined as many would have you all believe. EDIT: For all of you who are curious, my ideal candidate would have been Rand Paul. I firmly believe we should not be getting involved in foreign wars, and that we should be reducing spending across the board, from military and social security to welfare and social programs. The one exception being education. If we are able to educate the masses, MANY other problems would diminish greatly in turn.
  17. Will read more and give more in depth analysis tomorrow, but a quick few notes. Hillary's National number lead is very misleading. Two of the crucial primary state battlegrounds Iowa and New Hampshire Iowa Sanders: 46.0 Clinton: 45.8 New Hampshire Sanders: 53.1 Clinton: 39.3 These two states are huge because they set the tone of the campaign, on top of that Bernie is surging while Hillary very well may be indicted any day now for her E-Mail scandal according to articles I've read. The Dems, it's a coin flip at this point. With the GOP, I'd say Trump is the front runner, but it's not as big of a lead over Cruz as you'd expect. Once others finally get the memo and start dropping, all the GOP anti-Trumpers will shift to one of the two leading candidates in Rubio and Cruz. With Cruz being the next closest, I think the majority will switch to him simply because they don't want Trump. All in all, it's a 4 candidate race right now. Trump, Cruz, Clinton, Sanders. With Rubio hanging on for dear life. No one else has a chance and honestly should call it quits to save us all a bunch of time.
  18. [01:05:30] Hіnatа: dan doesnt know what sleeping means [01:05:38] ~Blιnd gυardιan: what is slep [01:06:45] &Jeriсhо: !showimage http://i.imgur.com/RTtNcoN.png,340,243
  19. It gets a Mega Too Flygon: Gains Dragon Dance (Level 58 or so) +10 Speed Hidden Ability: Dry Skin Mega Ability: Terraform (Normal moves become ground moves x1.3) Flygon 80/100/80/80/80/110 Mega Flygon 80/140/100/85/100/125 +1 252 Atk Mega Flygon Return (Terraform) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Ferrothorn: 204-241 (58.0 - 68.5%)
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