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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. #Genwunner Hi5 Red version though. Red > Yellow > Blue > Silver > Crystal > Gold > Ruby > Emerald > Sapphire > Diamond > Pearl > Platinum > White > Black > White 2 > Black 2 > X Not counting the remakes because I honestly don't remember those in terms of order. Usually I'd get one game, then I'd get the 3rd game and my sister would lose interest in hers and I'd take it. hence the weird order for me. I doubt I'll get any more games though, and the next one to come out on a new system I certainly won't get.
  2. Please use the thread for Reborn Hardcore instead of starting new ones. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=15490&page=10
  3. Feel free to post here, won't count as Necro.
  4. If it's involved in the Competitive Meta game, then it belongs here. "Casual" or not. Team Showcase is EXCLUSIVELY for Pokemon Reborn teams. Pokemon Fan Club serves for in game teams of non Reborn games I suppose, but this is absolutely in the right place. While I myself would not choose to run Solar Beam on Serperior, considering that Chase said in the original post that this is something he wants to do, you should all at least respect that when rating the team or offering suggestions for improvements.
  5. WHY DO PEOPLE ALWAYS BRING BACK THE AMAs? Ame lets just make an AMA subforum
  6. Can I answer anyways? No? Too Bad Atmosphere- Dark Crystal Flygon Cal (Former Leader :s)
  7. How you doin’ y’all? My name is Mike. I like what I do, I do what I like.

    1. Exalted


      Im fine hows life treating you mike

  8. Nor gonna lie, this leaps and bounds better. Hat angle still seems slightly strange, but that's the only cocern I'd have. Spectreon rolls off the tongue much better. #FlamesuitON
  9. Don't ever change Ame, unless that change is you deciding to hit the Gym. By Amethyst? I'm pretty sure she has no plans to do Reborn spin off games, but wouldn't be opposed to others perhaps doing so. She'll be focussing on her own project, Starlight Divide.
  10. I don't remember this at all. I'm the only one there old enough to drink. Legally
  11. Amethyst had said this Episode was going to take longer from the get go. Then she decided to add a whole slew of new move animations and assemble a team to do them, and she reviews them. Then she had health concerns and was unable to use her hands for a few weeks. In short, it shouldn't, but nobody knows what the future truly holds. I have a question.
  12. Ah now Mael gets it, may or may not use a cropped version of that in the future.
  13. Mikzal AKA Thor AKA The God of Thunder
  14. Who hasn't been shipped with Rose TBH?
  15. Mannequins. The more realistic, the worse it is. I literally have backed into one before, turned around, and decked it in the face.
  16. Gorgeist Cacturne (2nd one pointed out to me by Hunter)
  17. Why am I so cynical???

    1. Godot


      Because you can't trust anyone.

    2. Gaunt


      Because it's good for you

  18. Depends on the gender. I won't lie. If it's a girl, two things, her hair and her legs. Guys? Their arms, does it look like they'd be able to kick my ass if push come to shove. My brain works in fairly primal way.
  19. Well I didn't calculate it as that. What I did was... like this, assuming each time the probability is cut in half. 1st (100%) 2 times (50%) 3 times (25%)*(50%) 4 times (12.5%*(25%)*(50%) etc.. And I actually miscalculated in my original one, I forgot the first iteration is guaranteed, so... it turns out it's 1.54x10-881 to protect 77 times in a row. Calculating out from the table on the wiki page in gen 3, getting to the 77th consecutive protect would be much better! 1.57x10-176
  20. It's not actually zero, but the probability of protecting successfully 77 times in a row would be about 1.016x10-904 if my math is correct
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