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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. You may be gone, but you're not forgotten. Rest in peace.

  2. “Hope is for people who can't see the Truth.” ― Jeff Lindsay

    1. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      Wow. I think I cut myself on all that edge.

    2. Sutoratosu


      IKR? Jesus, with all that edge, you'd think someone broke a glass in here or something...

  3. Yes and by that logic, a device that shrink down animals capable of being powerful weapons and capturing them can be bought for the equivalent of $1.66
  4. I reckon with extensive knowledge of the the game's coding and the RUBY programming language as well as access to RPG Maker, it could be done, but in a practical way? No, it can't.
  5. I like to listen to a few things, but mostly just chill music. No country, no pop. How many bears could bear grylls grill, if bear grylls could grill bears?
  6. Banned because I don't like game grumps.
  7. Ah, the legality of such things. If you can find a way to get around all of the copyright protections, then good luck to you.
  8. I'm gonna toss out a couple. Kingdom Hearts Gears of War Fallout Elder Scrolls
  9. Ark, I thought you were better than that

    1. Arkhi


      Look at this grumpy mod

    2. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      You want grumpy, I can show ya grumpy homeslice.

    3. Arkhi


      Look at these f-

      Okay, no more Nickelback

  10. And here I thought this was going to be something else that's been in discussions as of late.
  11. That's why they need a new main character. The fact is they don't want to have the character age or develop and keep having him go through the ropes, well news flash, that doesn't make any damn sense anymore.
  12. Not really good at finding anime or mystical stuff but hey here ya go Kuro, my attempt, take it or leave it.
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