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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
  2. Well for one I'd start a charity for people that will have to deal with whatever it is that's going to make me die. I'd probably want to travel the world, just need a partner in crime to go with.
  3. You're given 1 month to live (with good health though). How do you spend said month?
  4. You have whatever the hell you want. No limits homie.
  5. 12/11 I take it as an excuse to validate my laziness. Oops. 12/9
  6. You're elected president, or whatever. You can change this country in any 3 ways you want, what do you do?
  7. I'd say Barrack Obama, but then he'd just waste even more taxpayer money for his own personal indulgences.
  8. Jack Frost: Hukuna Snow Queen: Rosesong Monarch: Kurotsune Here are pretty much all of your candidates for Polar Monarch
  9. This one is going to be a stretch... but... I'd like to see a team based around Delibird. Also one around Regular Abomasnow would be cool.
  10. I'd get the US out of international wars and stop giving foreign aid when we already have an insane amount of debt.
  11. [15:51] TFArkhi: I'm sending you something in the mail [15:51] &Jerichо: DEEZ NUTS [15:51] TFArkhi: . [15:51] TFArkhi: well [15:51] &Jerichо: HA [15:51] TFArkhi: no [15:51] TFArkhi: actually [15:51] &Jerichо: GOTEEM [15:51] TFArkhi: mike what the fuck [15:51] &Jerichо: QB'ed [15:51] TFArkhi: You're memeing too hard
  12. Jack is back bitches.

  13. You may notice yes this is a double post. But it was to serve as proof that this was in fact a social experiment by Godot and I. We wanted to gauge certain things such as the gullibility, and maturity of Reborn. Additionally the lack of responses as a whole shows that many people aren't terribly interested in some more serious issues. I commend those of you that did go out of your way to refute this. For example there was a quote about 6 or 8 minutes into the video. It was actually taken out of context and twisted. http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/ferc-chair-wellinghoff-sees-a-solar-future-and-a-utility-of-the-future Solar, was not really directly referenced in the video as near as I could tell. It was fairly evident this is just a ponzee scheme. For those of you who gave it a shred of credibility. I'd like to know why? Because of the video? Because it was at Reborn? Because an auth posted it? Are you just not skeptical enough? Something else all together?
  14. This is really cool, what do you guys all think, is this the future? If it is, just think of the possibilities. http://pro.moneymappress.com/EADSLR49/PEADRB29/?iris=436133&h=true
  15. If you ain't got yourself a hat, I don't what the -hell- you're doin with your life.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Vinny


      I already got a hat

    3. Pocky


      Who says you can't have more than one hat?

    4. Vinny
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