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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Don't ever push away those who truly care for you.

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  2. I'm with everyone and yet none.

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  3. It.... -might- be possible, but as you said, if it is, it's going to take a lot of work so don't get your hopes up for that one. :c
  4. https://www.facebook.com/danacarveycomedian/photos/a.373475652831065.1073741829.144949789016987/438008153044481/?type=3
  5. Both of these are incredibly broken. In fact all of your moves are. Even if they were for legendary's signature moves they'd still be too much.
  6. 1 is still more manageable. Would you rather be frozen solid or burned alive?
  7. Not in any particular rush to change my avatar but if someone finds something I like I'm open to suggestions.
  8. I am making October 6th 'National 90's/00's Slang appreciation day'

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    1. dead account

      dead account

      I don't understand slang in general, let alone slang from 15-25 years ago.

  9. Brain mush

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    1. zimvader42


      My counter-offer: brain mold.

    2. SkyRunner


      Potatoes with brain fluid.

  10. Yeah. Kam beat DD in their first match, but they still have two left to play.
  11. Actually it was Dark Desire aka
  12. [16:44] @Jerichø: .helix Heads or tails? [16:44] &BreloomBot: Without a doubt.
  13. Well technically.... it's 700/65536 which is basically 1%
  14. I feel as if this thread would could have gone in here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17202 I'm hesitant to close this down though.
  15. Oklahoma Alabama Ole Miss Northwestern (ew) Baylor A&M Clemson Stanford Tulsa
  16. While I don't know you IRL or for many years..... I don't really see it.
  17. Flux, I feel this'd fit better in the Trainer's Journal, any issues with moving it there?
  18. https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t31.0-8/12038992_902848263102874_1277715147153396471_o.jpg
  19. I didn't understand at first, but I now recall things and have put two and two together. This thread can stay here.
  20. Picks for week 4: Baltimore Ravens at Pittsburgh Steelers (Big Ben goes down, as an Eagles fan I don't trust Mike Vick) New York Jets at Miami Dolphins Jacksonville Jaguars at Indianapolis Colts New York Giants at Buffalo Bills Carolina Panthers at Tampa Bay Buccaneers Philadelphia Eagles at Washington (What would you expect lol?) Oakland Raiders at Chicago Bears (Yes, even with Jimmy Clausen) Houston Texans at Atlanta Falcons Kansas City Chiefs at Cincinnati Bengals Cleveland Browns at San Diego Chargers Green Bay Packers at San Francisco 49ers (I dunno, Michigan is starting to look like it could beat San Fran these days. ) St. Louis Rams at Arizona Cardinals (Sorry Red) Minnesota Vikings at Denver Broncos Dallas Cowboys at New Orleans Saints (#BackupBowl?) Detroit Lions at Seattle Seahawks
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