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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. 1. You can change the gender on your profile at any time. There is a 'Non-binary' option, but no specific gender fluid option. When looking at your profile, at the top right you'll see 'Edit my Profile' click that and scroll down you should see a handful of things, among them will be Gender. 2. 700/65536 (1.07%) 3. 19 + Elite 4 is what is slated by Amethyst last I heard. 4. You can't, remember to save your game if you see something or know it's coming.
  2. If I recall correctly, it used to be 500 KB for regular members. I'm not sure if mine went up to 1000 at Ace or Mod.
  3. Due to a severe lack of participation in week 10, anyone who has failed to play their week 10 match by 6 PM EST, that match will not be counted.
  4. You're by the water in Opal/Peridot Ward I'm assuming? This has been an issue since nearly the conception of the game as far as I'm aware and seems to not go away no matter what Amethyst tries to do.
  5. What are you even talking about fam? #pigswag
  6. This is a PSA. Please stop the Hukuna Hugs joke. He doesn't find it funny, quite the opposite actually. We've always lived by the rule here at Reborn, If someone asks you to stop doing something regarding them, to stop.

    1. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Oh and if I see it anymore, I won't hesitate to hand out warnings. Have a nice day.


    2. Commander


      ...normally I'd make a witty comment but...yeah that joke should've died a long time ago. I didn't even realize it was still going on.

    3. SnowGlaceon


      ...? I think this is one of those things I'm better off not knowing, but I'm curious as to what's going on

  7. Well let me say, Tomas you did say there'd be unique cries for your pokemon, but these exceeded my expectations. How do you create them if I may ask? They sound way better than the stuff in Uranium.
  8. Kanto- F: Lance - Can you say bad ass, cus this guy is the OG. L: Agatha - First time playing this game at the age of 6, I lost to her probably 15 or so times before finally getting past her, Gary and Lance were beatable, but Ghosts back then just absolutely gave me fits, hated them with the channelers in Lavender Town, hated them here. Johto- F: Koga - Made the poison type which we laughed at from Team Rocket all the time pretty cool, first one to really utilize Poison well IMO. L: Bruno - His team was always just incredibly boring and repetitive, birdspam always made him a pushover too. Hoenn- F: Phoebe - Probably because by the time I faced her I wasn't completely screwed and naive trying to fight ghost types and it also wasn't just Gengar anymore, I felt.... vindicated when I beat her. L: Glacia - Fuck. Ice. Sinnoh- F: Bertha - I like ground types a lot, I would have picked Flint here, but to be honest his hair looking weird as hell is a deal breaker. L: Lucian - Nerd Unova- F: Grimsley - He reminds me of Fable II Reaver, who was a thief, a crook, and a good laugh. L: Marshall - None really, but if I had to pick one from Unova it'd be Marshall because why the hell does Sawk get sturdy??? Kalos- They're all lame.
  9. That's closer to the sort of thing I like Mael.
  10. That's a good picture star-kin. You should come on the server sometime and chat with all of us.
  11. I saw Darker than Black and Code Geass, both were enjoyable. I actually like Darker than Black: Gemini of the Meteor a bit more than the original.
  12. Fork was in the road, took the psychopath.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arkhi


      That's crazy.

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      You should've hid. Would that work? I've only seen people try to run

    4. Vinny


      Jeri won't back down

  13. Main Series games, and Re:Coded Favorite Character that's easy.
  14. I've been liking Hopsin less and less as time's gone on, he's just not what he used to be. I think Dizzy single handedly saved FV there, but as a whole, with that song, I'd say Horseshoe won.
  15. I know you started your thread first, but the other one has more discussion, I'm gonna close this one up, and slap Dashie.
  16. Well for one, that'd take up more of the screen with the dialog box, but It might be a cool idea.
  17. “Don't waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.” ― Paulo Coelho

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