F: Lance - Can you say bad ass, cus this guy is the OG.
L: Agatha - First time playing this game at the age of 6, I lost to her probably 15 or so times before finally getting past her, Gary and Lance were beatable, but Ghosts back then just absolutely gave me fits, hated them with the channelers in Lavender Town, hated them here.
Johto- F: Koga - Made the poison type which we laughed at from Team Rocket all the time pretty cool, first one to really utilize Poison well IMO.
L: Bruno - His team was always just incredibly boring and repetitive, birdspam always made him a pushover too.
F: Phoebe - Probably because by the time I faced her I wasn't completely screwed and naive trying to fight ghost types and it also wasn't just Gengar anymore, I felt.... vindicated when I beat her.
L: Glacia - Fuck. Ice.
F: Bertha - I like ground types a lot, I would have picked Flint here, but to be honest his hair looking weird as hell is a deal breaker.
L: Lucian - Nerd
F: Grimsley - He reminds me of Fable II Reaver, who was a thief, a crook, and a good laugh.
L: Marshall - None really, but if I had to pick one from Unova it'd be Marshall because why the hell does Sawk get sturdy???
They're all lame.