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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Totodile, Sandile, Jirachi, Riolu, Mantyke, Rufflet
  2. https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11949417_10204524448820226_1490470608373517317_n.jpg?oh=961c412e4b8b8a7864032b20e67746ab&oe=567B2CCE
  3. "You can do 99 things for someone and all they will remember is the 1 thing you didn't do."
  4. It's not 'White supremacy' that it's propping up, it's a mental segregation and distinction of 'Black' and 'White' rather than just 'People'. Yes there are white supremacists, but there are far less than you'd have people believe. Stop making it an 'Us against them' issue. If you're still inclined to try and convince me otherwise, feel free to PM me, but as it stands right now, this is getting off topic.
  5. "If home is where the heart is, then I could only consider myself to be a nomad."
  6. I just want to find my calling, my reason of why I'm alive. It's funny, considering I don't believe in a higher power and thus it could be said that I shouldn't believe in such things, but there is something that's telling me there has to be a reason I was born, a reason why I'm not dead yet, a purpose. Maybe just my way of helping me fall asleep at night and continue on the path of life.
  7. We don't bite, well most of us don't. Edge might beg to differ.
  8. You do realize that attitudes such as this is a big part of the reason racism continues to remain in this country in individuals of all races? As for who Trump's running mate would be, I think he'd be best picking someone who is political. Meaning not Carson. I like Carson, but the VP is also an advisor to the President and I think someone with Political experience of sorts would be better. I'd still pick Carson before Trump, but both of them together is just too easy to sit and say 'Look they have zero experience'. Still a proponent of the Cuban connection. Rubio-Cruz 2k16
  9. Cartoon's stopped being good when shows like Adventure time were well received, if not earlier.
  10. Which pokemon do I hate the most? Azelf Which pokemon is the worst? All in all - Azurill OU - Normal Hoopa
  11. I think that's how it works, but I'm not so sure it's always 100% accurate. Such as if it is towards an older post. Let me test that with one of your old posts real quick Ark. Yup just upvoted the OP of this thread and it didn't show up in there. Kam, while it's an idea I like. I think it's more trouble than it's worth to rewrite whatever code determines that from the base of IPB v3.
  12. Never been diagnosed with anything, even if I was, I'd refuse any sort of medication. I'd also be too prideful to admit it to anyone because it'd feel like using a crutch. There -could- be something wrong with me, but I doubt it. I also doubt I'll ever go to a psychiatrist and find out, because quite frankly I don't need some suit telling me all the little nuances of how my mind works and what's wrong with me.
  13. digged that ducks one, but went with Vinny's
  14. Just using this ol thing as a placeholder for now. But avatar me.
  15. I suppose you are correct, however here's a little reading comprehension re-evaluation for you, I said 'cut carbs' not 'cut OUT carbs'. Tone back the number of Carbohydrates. I also explained why I said 'Carbs' and not simple carbs. As a whole, cut back on simple carbs, and increase complex ones. On another note, for me personally I have a very high metabolism and will burn many more calories naturally than most folk so I have to eat more. I drink only water, so that ain't gonna help me put on weight. Since he is in fact a dietician, follow his advice over mine. I just took a Sophomore level Nutrition course a couple months ago and my mind is a bit fuzzy on particular details. Rule of thumb as I remember it. Get yourself a target weight. Losing weight? Target Weight x 10 KCal/lb Maintaining weight? Target Weight x 15 KCal/lb Gaining weight? Target Weight x 20 KCal/lb Once I get back to school and start going back to the gym I'm going to try to aim for 3200 calories a day, but that means I'll likely have to cook so we'll see.
  16. Fixed it was the other annoyingly defensive steel type, ferrothorn I'd forgot.
  17. I'm going to rank all of the OU pokemon in order from favorite to least too lazy to explain for now. 1. Excadrill 2. Garchomp 3. Rotom-W 4. Tornadus-T 5. Skarmory 6. Magnezone 7. Mega Altaria 8. Ferrothorn 9. Gengar 10. Starmie 11. Mega Charizard Y 12. Azumarill 13. Hippowdon 14. Mega Scizor 15. Serperior 16. Gyarados (+Mega) 17. Zapdos 18. Clefable 19. Breloom 20. Conkeldurr 21. Bisharp 22. Manaphy 23. Latios 24. Mega Venusaur 25. Heatran 26. [NORMAL] Scizor 27. Mega Charizard X 28. Hoopa Unbound 29. Weavile 30. Slowbro 31. Landorus-T 32. Alakazam (+Mega) 33. Chansey 34. Mega Metagross 35. Latias 36. Kyurem-B 37. Sylveon 38. Dragonite 39. Mega Gardevoir 40. Mega Manectric 41. Mew 42. Sableye (+Mega) 43. Tyranitar (+Mega) 44. Thundurus 45. Raikou 46. Mega Diancie 47. Klefki 48. Hoopa 49. Keldeo 50. Celebi 51. Jirachi 52. Gliscor 53. Talonflame 54. Mega Lopunny.... slut
  18. Yes, I know what Carbs are. It's just for the sake of simplicity. There are the good carbs of vegetables, and the poor carbs of white breads (Wheat/whole grain are better than white but still should be taken in moderation) I took nutrition class, I ain't gonna claim to be an expert, but when explaining to other people it's easier for them to interpret it that way. When it's all said and done you shouldn't be changing how much protein you intake whether you're looking to lose, gain, or maintain weight. Rather increase the intake of carbs and fats. The percentage will change because trying to gain weight you need to eat more everything else. But 10-15%? That's still too low. 20% for weight gain, 30% for weight loss. (Again the amount of intake shouldn't be changing much at all) Typically anywhere between 50-70 grams of protein a day depending on current weight and weight goals for men. Fats should be about 30% most of the time and then Carbs should make up the rest (40-50% typically) Processed sugars are bad, but sugars from real fruits are fine. Soda is toxic, it won't kill you.... yet, but it's literally probably the worst 'edible' thing one could possibly consume. Long story short, grain and breads you should eat less than you've been, and when you do eat them they should be Whole Grain.
  19. I can't tell if you're trolling or actually believe this lol
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