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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. That is one I'd actually like to see implemented. It's far too easy in Reborn when the level cap is say... 35, to get that pokemon that evolves at 36 an extra level and evolve it, and then just bump it right back down. The evolution in that case is going to do more than the extra level or two. Another thing that -would- be good to implement in my opinion is the calculation for Gen 5 exp gain. Meaning if you have a high level pokemon and fight a level 4 rattata you get like 2 EXP, not worth the time. So grinding at higher levels becomes exponentially less and less effective.
  2. Don't be afraid to go outside the box, try to avoid cookie cutter concepts Everyone knows certain things about pretty much every Pokemon game. You start the game, talk to a professor, pick a fire, water, or grass pokemon. Fight 8 (or 18) Gym leaders fight an evil organization defeat the Elite 4 and the rest is just fleshing it out. Some of these same old tactics can grow tiresome to the more experienced pokemon players. So long as you take the time and effort to think things over you'll be able to come up with different unique concepts. The thing that drew me to Reborn watching shofu's LP Episode 1 in the first place was that EVERY starter was made available from the get go. 'THIS IS SO NEAT, look at all the choices I can make and WOW'. Try and find places where you can make changes to the way things work, replace the professor with some other profession for the role that will serve the same purpose. Maybe make the starters not FWG. All in all just take some steps to differentiate your game from the same old same old. One of the best examples I can think of when it comes to Reborn in this regard nowadays would be the dreaded field effects. It adds a unique interesting dynamic that individualizes it from other games. Some of the inspired fan games around here have followed suit because it was a good idea, something Reborn is ultimately remembered for. If you make your game like everyone else, I will likely forget it like everyone else. P.S. While I wasn't too fond of Snakewood, I'll certainly remember it, and many others will as well. Be original, be different Be the one that stand up and shocks this system
  3. Alright enough talk about -THAT- as it is rule .... seven. In my opinion. *rolls eyes* Anywho. I do think the Pslamb sprite could use a wee bit more contrast.
  4. Jelly can't use PM's because he's a naughty boy. I do appreciate his efforts.
  5. I did the thing for all of you folks who like to EV Train pokemon late game.
  6. This thread is supposed to be serious in a sense and not a constant ram of jokes. From this point on lets post actual pictures of ourselves. I'll be removing any joke ones anyways and if it becomes a recurring issue I'll hand out warnings for unnecessary posting.
  7. Kuro will be taking as many precautions to prevent that from happening as possible.
  8. Mmmmm. I'll follow this one I think.
  9. That's OU though. There's 2 other tiers in between there.
  10. In this theme tour you'll be battling in normal OU. The twist will be each person's team may only have 5 Pokemon on it. Tour will be tomorrow (Saturday) at 6 PM EST, be there or y'all suck. GGWPNRM
  11. This is a Public Service announcement. PLEASE have battles on your showdown name that you signed up with. It ensures integrity in whom is battling, and it makes things easier for the committee as well. If you wish to change your name you use for RCBA, send either Hilda or I a PM and we'll make the change.
  12. I really don't understand how Hariyama is still NU. It's too good.
  13. Well if not your exercise habits, then try starting with your diet. Try weening yourself away from soda and junk food over time. Not instantly.
  14. Pink -> 5/10 Wedding Girl -> 6/10 Trap -> 5/10 Blonde -> 4/10 (5 is average)
  15. I have a case of where I'll unknowingly pick up the accent of whoever I'm around after about 5 minutes to some degree. But normally. I'm halfways between Philly and whatever us American's consider to be no accent at all.
  16. I was gonna leave this thread along but y'all had to bring back Pokemoms.
  17. Now y'all are brining this thread back too? Oh fuck no.
  18. Banned because since when the hell do you post here? More importantly, why am I posting here?
  19. Back in my day we didn't...... I got nothing. Skitty
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