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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. How is it trivial? Yes it may be legal now, but it's still going to be looked at with great negativity by many and until it isn't, the LGBT is going to continue to push and be/feel oppressed in some manner. Churches not being required to serve gay marriage is also FAR from trivial. Roughly 70% of United State citizens identify as Christian (About 220 Million people) If even just 10 percent of them feel this is wrong (many of which will be avid Church goers and even working for the church) that's 22 million people who very well could cause conflict WHEN a homosexual couple inevitably goes to one seeking to be wed. It's not a matter of IF but WHEN. Then it will be taken to court and largely publicized and argued once more if Church's should have the right to refusal. At which point there's no longer separation of Church and State and it's unconstitutional. There are alternatives, but at some point some homosexual couple is going to choose to go this route, and the aftermath won't be pleasant for any of the parties involved.
  2. That's the thing, it SHOULDN'T matter even if it's a wedding cake. We'll continue to argue in circles here with my view point being that private businesses should not be required to do business with anyone for whatever the reason may be. Where as you'll continue to feel that the business should have to do business with anyone, even if they do not want to, or else they can just crash and burn, ruining their lives and financial well being because they don't agree with something. Forced tolerance, isn't true tolerance.
  3. You really just equated HUMAN SACRIFICE, to a private business choosing not to do serve someone for a foolish reason? Oh my goodness....................... OK. Human sacrifice is unconstitutional I'M FAIRLY CERTAIN, because it's covered under murder. The government is not supposed to dictate how private businesses are and aren't run. That's been one of the foundations of this country since it's inception. The WEDDING Cake makes it clear what the intention is, or did you miss that detail. The fact that you think it's more acceptable to run a business into the ground than for the business owner to be an ass is astounding to me, really. It's quite simple to take your business elsewhere and find someone who would be more than happy to serve you, but you'd rather just see their whole lives ruined out of stubbornness of the customer? It may be in bad taste to be bigoted, but is it really unethical? Is it? Ethical is a very gray term that isn't quite as black and white as you say it is.
  4. I know that, but the fact is the distinction between businesses and churches are different. One I absolutely know is a constitutionally protected right, the other I think is just more of a personal belief. Fair enough. However that's all hypothetical for the time being. This situation currently at hand is real and what is the primary concern right now. Um yes that's what the entire conversation as of late HAS been about. Is it ethical to force an individual to do business with someone when they do not wish to do so? It's their business, why should the government step in and be able to say "do this, or else". Not allowing people to run a business because of their religious beliefs and not wishing to do business with a homosexual couple or individual. Especially in the instance of a wedding cake, when a Christian does not believe in same sex marriage they're going to be forced to provide their services to create one of the focal points of a same sex marriage? That IS violating their religious freedom. Saying 'Well then you can't have your business anymore.' Is probably far more ludicrous, wrong, and outlandish than their desire to not serve a homosexual couple. OK, you did state that the catholic church doesn't reject gay students, (I don't think this would always hold true, especially in certain parts of the country) but otherwise you seem to be echoing what I'd said.
  5. I'm well aware of what's in Leviticus. It also states men should not shave, get tattoos or sell their land/real estate among other things. That isn't what I asked about. I'm also aware that the bible is very convoluted and contrary often times scattered throughout. This has gone too far off topic now though, lets get back to the primary focus of this thread.
  6. The bible specifically? Or just those of the time who were followers? Correlation, or causation? That's what I'd like to know, if you can find me some verses from the bible that state that, I'd be willing to hear you out on this.
  7. The difference between the discrimination based off of skin color and sexual orientation is a bit different. Skin color in no way conflicts with Christian values (unless of course you take a quote out of context from somewhere). Regardless. I am of the belief that people should be allowed to be bigots if they so choose in this sense. It's their business, if they want to lose customers because of their intolerance, they should be free to make that decision. Forced tolerance isn't real tolerance. My belief also still stands here. As for the right of refusal. Specifically when talking about the church. Homosexual relations go against their beliefs, and for the state to force the Church to hold said actions is completely and 100% unconstitutional. As for businesses I'll some it up like this, they should have the 'Freedom to be an Asshole'. Do I agree with their decisions? No. But forcing someone to do business with someone they don't want to for ANY reason is wrong in my eyes. Obviously this differs for government owned, public services provided by the state, like a bus or public schooling, but privately owned businesses should be able to do as they please, even if it they're being bigots. Are we going to start forcing private catholic schools/universities to accept homosexual students? (I wouldn't advise that at all though). Their religious views would be forced to be circumvented in that case.
  8. This all happened -before- this bill was passed. Make of it what you will, but being forced to serve a customer against your will for whatever the reason may be, it doesn't sit right with me at all. 'Be tolerant, or else.' If you want tolerance, you should accept and tolerate the fact that some don't agree with what you are asking of them to do. Regardless if you find it to be bigoted or not, they shouldn't be scared into fake tolerance, because that does nothing to help the cause and is a detriment to others as well. I'm sure there are others who would be happy to do business with the couples in question. And of course the biggest one of all which has already been mentioned numerous times, a Christian church that would be FORCED to hold ceremonies for same sex couples against their will. It's not a matter of if, but when this controversy will come to the forefront as an issue. That much I promise you.
  9. Here's somewhat of a bare bones article I remember from a while back. http://uber-facts.com/2013/02/07/studies-show-differences-between-heterosexual-and-homosexual-brains/
  10. I've read articles and bits of papers of a study that found some particular portion of the brain that has to do with attraction is homosexual individuals actually develops more like the opposite sex's and is either the cause, or coincides with the homosexuality of said person. I'm talking about the physical/chemical makeup of this part of the brain, not just emotional.
  11. It may be a flawed view according to many, but keep in mind people, that Sparky is entitled to his opinion so long as he remains civil, which to this point he certainly has done. I ask all of you who would like to see the world be more tolerant of such things, to lead by example. This is not a backlash towards anyone, but rather a pre-emptive safety blanket.
  12. People will think what they want, who knows if the Church will maintain a strong enough presence for them to not be seen in such a negative light as a whole. I certainly don't blame them if they opt to not hold homosexual weddings. It does go against their beliefs. I've always been along the line of thought of 'You do you, and I'll do me.' You're homosexual? AWESOME, you go love your partner and get married and do your thing. You work for a Christian church and don't believe marriage is between two people of the same gender, don't want to let them marry there? That's fine, they can go elsewhere to get married and still be happy. It may be seen as a bad decision by others regardless of which side of the fence you are, but everyone should be free to make said bad choices if they so choose, so long as it's truthfully their own lives it's impacting. There are obviously instances you could nitpick, but you get the general idea.
  13. This isn't really Obama's doing. Yes he picked some of the justices to replace old ones who retired, who would have likely voted the same way anyways due to their political affiliation. It's how the supreme court's always worked. 4 Liberal, 4 Conservative, 1 moderate. Even if many don't see that. I'm happy for all those this impacts in a positive light. The only thing I still think needs to be resolved is a Church's right to refusal of holding a ceremony for a Homosexual couple. If it goes against their beliefs they should not be required to host a wedding for them. Separation of church and state and what not. There are plenty of Wedding services that can come with just as nice of an experience, WITHOUT it being held by a church and for it to still be legally recognized. As I said, I DO think this was the right decision, but lose ends will need to be tied up.
  14. Moving this to gaming general as I don't see how it relates to Pokemon.
  15. I could see Rock resisting itself and Bug. Not too many bug attacks are used regardless. Ice, Hmm... normal and grass resistances. I'd also like to see Ghost be super Effective against Fairy, and Fairies to be RESISTANT to dragon, not IMMUNE (but that ain't ever happening)
  16. Not in an order Eminem - Beautiful Hopsin - Nocturnal Rainbows Sublime - Boss DJ
  17. I honestly don't know what to expect out of the Flyers anymore, they seem to be stuck in mediocrity. I can't really see them getting any better either. :c
  18. 70 more days until Philly fans show that they're PHILLY FANS - AKA Complain and hold a salem witch trial after a loss, and talk about Super Bowl's after each win.
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