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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. I -like- Hockey myself, but I didn't think there'd be enough discussion for a thread to stay relevant here at all. Regardless, I won't be pinning this one for the time being, only when the respective league is in season or draft/FA will I have it up. And, not enough following for that in regards to the NHL. I'd still encourage discussion though.
  2. I'm going to unpin this thread, following the first week of Free Agency.
  3. Nope, straight forward 100% OU. No gimmicks, no tricks.
  4. 1. We've considered that, and to put it frankly, we've thought about this, I won't specify the methods we'll go about this, but the opinions of your skill will play one factor. 2. So we have 4 divisions, Each division winner is guaranteed to go to the dance, even if they're somehow 4-6. All division winners will be guaranteed one of the #1-4 seeds. The remaining 12 spots will all be slotted after those four, and are up for grabs for anyone. 3. I think you can see #1. I will be PMing each division all in one PM their Division assignments. E.G. I will send one PM to all Sapphire division members, where they will see their assignment. (And the same for each other division). I'll consider creating a division thread for each one if that's what people would like.
  5. 1. Morty - The easy going, not completely serious first round. One of my favorite leaders of all time, from my favorite region, Johto. First time through: Drifblim (52), Spiritomb (53), Cofagrigus (52), Golurk (53), Gengar (55) Second time through: Drifblim (68), Spiritomb (68), Jellicent (69), Trevenant (69), Chandelure (69), Mega Gengar (71) 2. Sabrina - A lovely lady Token Female She's always interested me. Her... independence and being the original, stoic/intimidating gym leader. First time through: Meowstic (54), Espeon (55), Reuniclus (55), Bronzong (55), Alakazam (58) Second time through: Espeon (71), Starmie (71), Metagross (72), Malamar (71), Gallade (72), Mega Alakazam (74) 3. Volkner - The gym leader who I believe resembles the person I truly am deep down the most, this one is a personal choice, most don't care for Volkner, but I get the dude. First time through: Heliolisk (57), Ampharos (58), Luxray (57), Lanturn (57), Electivire (60) Second time through: Galvantula (74), Jolteon (75), Magnezone (75), Rotom-W (75), Ampharos (74), Mega Electivire (77) [Electric/Fighting] 4. Cyrus - The ultimate evil psychopath, where as the others may be more lax or impartial, Cyrus is something truly twisted and insane on the insane and would be feared. First time through: Houndoom (59), Honchkrow (61), Crobat (60), Gyarados (60), Weavile (62) Second time through: Houndoom (77), Honchkrow (79), Crobat (78), Greninja (78), Krookodile (79), Mega Weavile (81) [Tough Claws]
  6. That's up to the individuals in the battler like the ladder. = Shadow Tack, please elaborate a bit further?
  7. Back to reality..... *sigh*

  8. *is mod/dev assistant, and didn't know about this* I need to play E15 one of these days.
  9. Why must it feel so wrong.... when I try and do right?

  10. Games I definitely want: Halo 5 Gears 4 Fallout 4 Kingdom Hearts 3 (Whenever it happens) FFXV Doom
  11. Shop price changes: PotD 350 -> 200, SotD 500 -> 300

    1. Arkhi


      That's what I like to see!

  12. Mainly we are trying to see if the 'prize' actually does play any factor in participation or not. So far, it doesn't appear that it does.
  13. Ame's said the story's already been planned out.
  14. ------------------------------------------ Come join Reborn's newest Competitive Event, RCBA! http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=15214

  15. Ruby's one of the easier languages :s
  16. It's already been said by Amethyst that all actual legendaries will be exclusively post game.
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