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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. crash and burn....

  2. Welcome everyone to Reborn's newest competitive battling competition! RCBA, or Reborn Competitive Battling Association will function a bit differently than previous competitive events that have been hosted here at Reborn. Instead of boring you with a long text wall, I'll throw this list of notable features first and then I'll summarize it from there. This is an individual event, no teams. This is all Smogon OU The Regular season will last 12 weeks (10 games and 2 byes) 16 person post season tournament Tournament participants selected by 5 person committee 4 Divisions, each division winner guaranteed one of top 4 spots in the bracket There will be a consolation bracket for those who don't qualify. Further details regarding the above info: Sign up now!
  3. I voted for you're option.... Fight me Porkchop.
  4. Lin appears to be the lone exception.
  5. Fortunately, grinding has been made considerably less tedious in Episode 15 due to the suggests put forth to Amethyst months ago.
  6. Also, thanks to Kurotsune, you can now sort your bag alphabetically with the click of a button.
  7. I'm not one to make a public display myself. So I'll just say this, I appreciate each and every one of my friends more than words can express. You all know who you are. .....Meow
  8. Name: Mike Animal: Monkey Boys Name: Mason Girls Name: Miranda Occupation: Meat Packer Colour: Maroon Something you wear: Mittens Drink: Mountain Dew Food: Meatloaf Something you find in the bathroom: Mint Toothpaste Place: Mexico Reason to be late: Missed the bus Something you shout out: mmBOP!
  9. Had a giant Polar Bear.... got pissed on by my neighbors dog... never had a stuffed animal again. Don't think I named it.
  10. I'd like to further note that Reuniclus and Noivern have been officially banned from RU.
  11. As a moderator, I do not approve of the removal of the 'not appropriate rule' Oh... and uh, meow
  12. (The rest of this thread doesn't necessarily apply to me but I'll answer this from another prospective) I'll fully admit it's one of my character flaws that I don't talk about things. Hell it's so deeply ingrained in my head to handle things myself and deal with it, that I've found talking to others about it literally makes me feel worse. Is it society, my upbringing, or something else all together, or a combination? Couldn't tell you. Perhaps maybe I just prefer the out of sight out of mind approach, instead of 'bleeding it out' by talking about it, I replace it with other things, being productive, or interaction with others so that said issues are put on the back burner of my mind and eventually lose fuel letting the fire die out. Is this a trait of 'masculinity' and 'machoness'? Or just a different way of managing stress and problems?
  13. RU Showcase #1 Pokemon Covered: Doublade (To UU) Druddigon Mega Banette Moltres Hitmonlee RU Showcase #2 Pokemon Covered: Flygon Scrafty Mega Camerupt Tyrantrum Houndoom Gastrodon Rhyperior Skuntank Reuniclus (to UU or BL2 TBD*) Eelektross Mega Glalie Tangrowth Combusken & Typhlosion* (BL3 Combo coverage) Medicham Spiritomb Meloetta-P Meloetta-A Hitmontop Clawitzer Dugtrio Jellicent Jolteon Mega Steelix Virizion --Still to Cover-- Accelgor Alomomola Ambipom Amoongus Aromatisse Braivary Bronzong Cincinno Cofagrigus Delphox Drapion Durant Emboar Escavalier Exploud Golbat Hitmonchan Omastar Qwilfish Registeel Rotom-Mow Seismetoad Shiftry Sigilyph **Noivern (To UU or BL2 TBD*) **Cobalion
  14. Tis that time of year again. NEWBOT 2013 NEWBOT 2014 Clarice, time to retire girl.
  15. Truthfully this is the most hyped I've been for an E3 in years.
  16. I don't get the appeal of this game at all >>
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