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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Well something that's grown rather popular in the Reborn community here lately is Pokemon Mystery Universe. Basically a Misc. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon MMO
  2. I liked it better when you guys made each one of these posts count and attached some message with some significance. Now you're back to just posting the numbers again :c
  3. Happy Birthday, may your bidoof be in the top percentage.
  4. I'm removing the spoiler tag from this. Spoiler tags are only needed for Ep15 related content.
  5. Flora Sky was an enjoyable ROM Hack. As was Liquid Crystal Uranium's Fake mon were.... eh One to avoid and never play: Pokemon Resolute The game where you have to do insane amounts of grinding for every gym leader and there are absolutely ZERO good ways to do so.
  6. "If things didn't happen the way they did, then they wouldn't be the way they are." ~ Jericho "Make haste, not waste." ~ Jericho
  7. That.... That is actually something that when we did Pinned Topics Spring cleaning... I said I'd update..... Will do this weekend.
  8. Have you been under a rock or just forgot about Fallout 4 having been announced.
  9. I'll update this more if more info about respective press conferences is brought to light ahead of time. Or you can all fill feel to fill me in and I'll add the details appropriately.
  10. Every one of my teams anymore has a scarf mon.
  11. http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/ Creating a game, especially as well done as Reborn is no easy undertaking. It takes a VERY long time and a lot of dedication and learning and knowledge and more things I haven't even said. Good luck.
  12. star-kin, you said you are currently not into competitive battling, but this is primarily a competitive battling section. If this is a thread about competitive battling that's great, but if it's not (which is also good) I'll move it to the Reborn section -> Team Showcase
  13. I've changed the Pokemon of the Day poll, please cast your new vote here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14778

  14. Welcome back Sleppu, missed you and your art.
  15. I can't really justify it with the 'Anything Anime!' thread having only 45 pages in 2 years. And combining it with the Pokemon Fan Club..... that's kind of ludicrous if you ask me.
  16. This guide is completely outdated, I actually have a couple of folks working on a new one which should be available soon.
  17. All the new system does is create backups. There is no in game save selection system.
  18. I don't see how who comments on such things would make much of a difference honestly. The importance portion should specify that just fine.
  19. Cavs vs Warriors, who wins in how many and why?
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