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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. I've made a new poll question to factor in certain things. However I still can't make this one public nor do I see the need to. This should answer the question a bit better perhaps anyways.
  2. Comet? Neat. Any reason you feel the need to point our that you're a girl? There are plenty of them here believe it or not. Even if you aren't a competitive battler, click the Reborn Showdown! tab above your member info and come and talk to everyone. Nobody stays mysterious here for long.
  3. Machop kind of loses out IMO. Go with Timburr to give a bit better edge there.
  4. The big difference between that poll and this one is Washman offered a more varied level of options. This one is more black and white and only leaves room for one of two possibilities. Making the votes public doesn't make a huge difference here. I'm unable to change that even now if I wanted to.
  5. I've seen it before. (Dan got me with it once)
  6. --Public Service Announcement-- Please refrain from posting spoiler statuses about Episode 15 content. Whether or not it's something that's changed or related to the new story line, keep it within the appropriate thread/channel. More info here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14475

  8. Given the chance, I would happily dance on the grave of the one who shows no remorse.

    1. Felicity


      I mean, they would't be there to see you do it. All you'd be doing is hurting their friends and family :P

  9. I would like to see a combination of Fire Water Grass from varying generations as well. Venusaur-Empoleon-Emboar would be a good combo. Grass > Water, Poison > Fighting Water > Fire, Steel > Poison Fire > Grass, Fighting > Steel It's not perfect, but it's a good concept in theory.
  10. Please post your weekly battle replay from the Reborn Showdown server. For the sake of organization we ask that you please include a few bits of info when posting your battle, but nothing too extensive: Week # Your Division Battlers (Your name Vs Opponent) Showdown Replay Seeing this info will help the committee to best sift through these logs in a timely manner and organize everything appropriately. I will be keeping a log of all of the battles here in this first post contained within a spoiler for each week. If you do not post a replay, your match will not be counted. -Logs-
  11. Welcome one and welcome all, do you think you have what it takes.... to be the very best, like no one ever was? If you believe in your competitive battling skills then sign up here! There are no prerequisites or limits to who may sign up or the number of entrants. We here at the RCBA hope to see as many of you enter the arena as possible.Forum Name: Server Name: Opinion of your own skills (1-10): Timezone: Hours best for you: Hours worst for you: Anticipated time away (June 28th <-> September 19th) The info asked for here will allow us to best to place you within RCBA and to balance skill and avoid as many conflicts arising when creating the schedules as possible. First we need to know WHO you are. Any match played with another username even if it is your alt will not count as official. Giving us an honest evaluation of your own skills (with 5 being average) will help us balance the divisions and keep the schedules' difficulty relatively similar for all participants. The next trio of information requested will help us determine who will likely be able to battle you at a reasonable time. We'd prefer to avoid having people scheduled against one another if they likely won't be able to find a common time that works for them. If you know you will be on vacation for a week at some point or another and won't be able to compete during that time, we will be sure to schedule on of your two bye weeks accordingly. Sample:
  12. Haha no, I have a list of far more important things to do. Sorry.
  13. I usually lie in bed and just do stuff mindlessly for at least a half hour whether it's here or just reading news or what not.
  14. Yes which makes this a very difficult situation for us.
  15. I'd say about 90% of the 'ships' in here, are made of tin foil at best.
  16. Oh here's the reference thanks to one destructive individual. http://prntscr.com/7c0o47 Gross. /me commits Sudoku
  17. As of Episode 15, all Pokemon in Reborn will have shiny sprites unique from their main series game counterparts.
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