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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. This guide is currently out dated. I've been discussing with a few others and we hope to either fix this one or create a new one.
  2. 37.... I ain't even gonna make you guys reset.
  3. Nah.. I've exacted my revenge now. I just have two goals left for this thread. 70 and Angry Jackpot.
  4. I'm fairly certain the protagonist is 18 years old.
  5. I kinda feel like I'd like Spain myself.
  6. See... I don't like the art kinds usually. And not many had a demeanor of just being more pissed off than anything, none of this smiley stuff. Also I have an OCD of all my avatars have to be perfectly square, so if I can't have it square and cropping nicely, I rule it out lol. Vinny 9/10 Sneasel and Silver. it's so you. However he's blushing, so.... meh in that regard. EDIT: THat wasn't Vinny ._.
  7. I'll leave this pinned for a while I suppose.
  8. 7.5/10 Much better than the old one.
  9. Alright it's been done, twas for the good of the thread friends.
  10. So long as no one objects I can remove the couple of posts between your first and second one and you can use that there.
  11. Hmm.... Not much of a personality but Cal's my favorite character. I relate to his entire outlook on things I think. It'd be neat to see. (You can give him red OR Blue hair!)
  12. Shows how well I'm versed in the world of fanfiction don't it?
  13. It's not happening this is Reborn, not one of those Visual Novel things so many people around here are into. >> Also Twin Judge of Gemini, only Ace Members are allowed to participate in the Beta test.
  14. You know who that Samson reminds me of? A buff Macklemore
  15. Deleted User


    sigh...... I hate listening to my own voice....
  16. Y'all can have your Weavile, so long as no one else thinks about trying to usurp the title of Flygon Overlord from me.
  17. Jan's thread/game, Jan's rules. Up to him if regarding #%HYPE
  18. The primary issue is they move the would be counters UP to UU at the same time they bring these things down to RU, they belong in the same tier, just pick which one. I don't find Noivern too Scary, but Reuniclus is certainly a pain in the ass to say the least, wouldn't mind seeing that out of here.
  19. Reading comprehension is a great thing isn't it. I read it as 'The first Gym Leader of Graterras to be revealed'
  20. While I don't think it'd be impossible. Putting a steel gym leader first is kind of not practical and a difficult for early game. It wouldn't make sense IMO.
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