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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Reborn Forum FAQ Go down to the site shop section. You're welcome.
  2. Happiness has nothing to do if whether or not an egg will be conceived. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_breeding#Breeding_rate The chance is based on every egg cycle (256 steps I believe in Gen VI)
  3. No, there's no legit way to clone in Reborn without tampering with the game's construct. Locking.
  4. Yes, hence any topic with spoilers in them we ask that you name them '[spoiler!]This is a topic name' A month really isn't too long if you ask me. Not everyone sits down and finishes it within the first week or so that it comes out. Reborn is still a game that others would like to be able to enjoy without having the story events spoiled and hence somewhat ruining the experience for them. I'm not sure what others have in store to the fullest extent, but either me or one of the other auth will open a dedicated spoilers thread that will be pinned in the Reborn City forum.
  5. Currently we don't know of anyway to have it running on any mobile device/handheld system, in the off chance you do get it working, please let us know how.
  6. Please..... you think Ame would make it that easy?
  7. Why would you assume Kanto Remakes lol? If anything assume it's XY sequels at TBD date.
  8. >smogon man Gender:FemaleQue?????
  9. If he's your brother? Is he my nephew ?_?
  10. http://pokemonessentials.wikia.com/wiki/Defining_a_trainer As an example. Here's Serra one of the leaders of Reborn. *Removed the other pokemon to not give away the entire team, but this should explain the layout. Reborn itself has had some additions made to the code for interpreting the textfile to allow the EV's to be determined after what's given by essentials at default. There's one thing (which I don't know off the top of my head, then the EV's here.
  11. Yes you can comment about the percentage (or days until theme tour here)
  12. For what it's worth in your power trick set the Defense being 273-> *2 = 546 which is equivalent to 199 Base attack unboosted due to the doubling of EV's.
  13. Jan you'll probably want to start making decisions about which topics to keep pinned soon. It's getting a wee bit crowded up there.
  14. I'll pin this until the public release.
  15. What we were just going to dig a landfill to put all of the broken mirrors in..... GOD, what did you think I meant?
  16. Me every time gamefreak does some more Pika fanservice.
  17. Consult Ame or Dan on the matter, I know there's been trainers in Reborn who have done that at one point or another.
  18. Glad to see you're doing better now CLARAWWWWR I wish you a happy belated birthday.
  19. This belongs in Team Showcase so, here we are.
  20. Jan, you thinking what I'm thinking? *Grabs a pair of shovels*
  21. Maybe I wasn't clear the first time..... *ahem* IF ALL YOUR POST IS, IS COMMENTING ON THE STATUS OF THE PROGRESS BAR, YOU WILL BE WARNED FOR UNNECESSARY POSTING. Contribute something ya fools.
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