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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. 10. Psycho Shift - The old Sigilyph Psycho Shift Flame Orb Cosmic Power thinger... yeah that was really annoying back in gen 5. Fortunately no one really uses it anymore. 9. Trick Room - I don't like this because A it rewards pokemon for not being up to par in one area. And B because there's not way to actually extend the duration of Trick Room and to use it you have to have it on at least 2 pokemon in your team. 8. Sleep Talk - You're asleep, how are you going to use SCALD? PLEASE tell me how you regurgitate really hot water and shoot it at the opponent with a move known as sleep talk, while you're asleep. That makes no sense what so ever. 7. Attract - While not a very prominent threat in the competitive meta. It's always been a ridiculous concept and just all around annoying to deal with. 6. All Weather Moves - Team Anti Weather right here. Part of the reason I ended up stopping gen 5 competitive scene halfways through is because it was a pain in the ass with weather wars, the nerf in gen 6 was very much needed. Abilities made it far worse, but I still hate weather in general. 5. Encore - #ThanksLustBunny, it's annoying just to say the least. A fast encore user can basically make any mon it wants into a Trick'd Choice mon without the extra benefits and then just continue to have it's way with you or make you switch out and take damage with something else. 4. Spore/Sleep Powder - Lets just allow one pokemon to be instantly useless. The spore mon is faster than you? Time to pick a mon that you think you'll find the least useful and basically let it just be dead like that. 3. Baton Pass - Oh my lord. Pokemon with Speed Boost are the worst with this. Protect and swords dance or Iron Defense or Nasty Plot once, then just Baton Pass and boom, any mon is just a freaking pain in the ass to deal with. Speed Boost and Baton Pass should be an illegal combo. 2. Taunt - Mainly because half the time I don't see it coming and it just gets me too damn often. 1. Belly Drum - Just send a Belly Drum mon after one of your others faints with a favorable matchup, use a priority move and boom, instant huge hole in your team if you don't have a really good counter. Oh and slurpuff is the worst.
  2. Hmmm... obligation...... not feeling it.... decisions.
  3. Found a new anime I like in the first time in forever. Seraph of the End. Only 1 episode in (dubbed because shut up). It's got that right tone of seriousness to it that I like.
  4. Well.... level up movesets were there in 14.0..... with a handful of mistakes. #BlameJericho :c
  5. Yeahhhhhhh I may be one of the more consistent moderators.. but f that noise.
  6. I hope I'm not going to find any double posting in here o_0 Just a friendly reminder that if you see any even in the Rejuvenation forum to please report is with the Report Button to the bottom right of the post.
  7. Tacos.... you gotta let them build themselves up a bit before you knock em down. It's part of the fun...... Also if I get 777 I get to shut this thread down for a week. #AngryJackpot
  8. That's right.... walk away, just like everyone else.

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  9. I like Roobber, and if I play it. I'm picking that one. A FIRE, KANGAROO? WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE <3
  10. Question was answered long ago. This is just silly banter now. Locking.
  11. Nope, Noel's keeping Grassy terrain ~ Ame
  12. Because Gengar learns Sludge Wave only as an event Pokemon. It has never been able to learn via TM.
  13. I don't know what's going on here....... I'm just gonna....
  14. [00:09] @Jerichø: Dan. [00:09] @Jerichø: Is it ok if I post this in the Funny Picture Thread? https://scontent-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/1012284_1490833114266510_5785580118819004106_n.png?oh=86c0e47384a78403df41c64862cdaa9c&oe=55CFB6CF [00:09] &Blιnd gυardιan: hi [00:09] &Blιnd gυardιan: yah [00:09] &Blιnd gυardιan: you're clear [00:09] @Jerichø: Alright. [00:09] @Jerichø: Dan approved [00:09] @Jerichø: !dt Seel [[seel Info]] [00:09] &Blιnd gυardιan: make me a seal [00:09] &Blιnd gυardιan: so I can stamp it HA GOTEEM!
  15. Bruh you're still on 77, you can't say the next, and he didn't post the right number. GET BACK GET BACK Y'ALL DON'T PLAY IT LIKE THAT
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