10. Psycho Shift - The old Sigilyph Psycho Shift Flame Orb Cosmic Power thinger... yeah that was really annoying back in gen 5. Fortunately no one really uses it anymore.
9. Trick Room - I don't like this because A it rewards pokemon for not being up to par in one area. And B because there's not way to actually extend the duration of Trick Room and to use it you have to have it on at least 2 pokemon in your team.
8. Sleep Talk - You're asleep, how are you going to use SCALD? PLEASE tell me how you regurgitate really hot water and shoot it at the opponent with a move known as sleep talk, while you're asleep. That makes no sense what so ever.
7. Attract - While not a very prominent threat in the competitive meta. It's always been a ridiculous concept and just all around annoying to deal with.
6. All Weather Moves - Team Anti Weather right here. Part of the reason I ended up stopping gen 5 competitive scene halfways through is because it was a pain in the ass with weather wars, the nerf in gen 6 was very much needed. Abilities made it far worse, but I still hate weather in general.
5. Encore - #ThanksLustBunny, it's annoying just to say the least. A fast encore user can basically make any mon it wants into a Trick'd Choice mon without the extra benefits and then just continue to have it's way with you or make you switch out and take damage with something else.
4. Spore/Sleep Powder - Lets just allow one pokemon to be instantly useless. The spore mon is faster than you? Time to pick a mon that you think you'll find the least useful and basically let it just be dead like that.
3. Baton Pass - Oh my lord. Pokemon with Speed Boost are the worst with this. Protect and swords dance or Iron Defense or Nasty Plot once, then just Baton Pass and boom, any mon is just a freaking pain in the ass to deal with. Speed Boost and Baton Pass should be an illegal combo.
2. Taunt - Mainly because half the time I don't see it coming and it just gets me too damn often.
1. Belly Drum - Just send a Belly Drum mon after one of your others faints with a favorable matchup, use a priority move and boom, instant huge hole in your team if you don't have a really good counter. Oh and slurpuff is the worst.