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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Well Cloud, nice to meet you. I typically go by Jericho myself. Anything in particular make you want to come back all of the sudden?
  2. You do realize, that this is not helping your cause. Maybe that's what you really want though...
  3. Trust me there will be. They don't have to announce it 6+ months ahead of time.
  4. Team Flare better not be so lame this time around in XZ/YZ
  5. Who... are you? Grats anyways though.
  6. I'm going to lock this thread for the time being, Ame can re-open it when she sees fit.
  7. That's a big part of it, and why many things get axed in the story (actually just pushed back but...)
  8. Tomas Elliot, I won't bust you for any double posting within this thread of yours. It's a unique situation.
  9. Ame's said that's NOT in the plans for Reborn. Technically things could change, but I'd say it's unlikely at best.
  10. Given the conversation between the two of us yesterday, this is too funny...
  11. Cyrus + Neo Plasma (A guy can dream can't he?)
  12. This is why I like Vinny. He gets it.
  13. I need something to bring me back to being... 'human'.
  14. Depending on which of us hosts it'll be either Saturday or Sunday at 6PM EST
  15. I still think the whole thing could stand to be downsized to like I dunno 70% of what it's currently at.
  16. I think the sprite for it might be a bit big. usually first stage mons don't take up the entire 160x160 pixels.
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