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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. It may have been 5 months of waiting, but it hasn't been 5 months of development on Episode 15. 14.5 (14.6.2) was released in... Early March? So in that regard it's only been 2.
  2. 3:38 Also, as for the Solar Light Lunar Dark thing..... if any of you actually though that was a legit thing then there's not hope for you. It's obviously just a gen 4 hack. 'Neo' and 'Robot' types..... At least try and come up with something remotely plausible. Learn up to 6 moves.... nope. Team Warfare? Even Gamefreak is more creative than that. This would be an awful game based on the 'Wiki' page. The actual fan hack in that video (which contains nothing stated in that 'wiki' page) looks alright.
  3. I promise you there will be two new Zygarde forms. Land's Wrath becomes one of Thousand Arrows/Waves depending on which Mega Evolution.
  4. Man I hope so. PLEASE make the characters way more.... developed. And make the game harder. Give four difficulties from the get go., Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert (It'll never happen but I can dream)
  5. Sorry but I pretty much guarantee it won't be Sinnoh remakes, Z, or Delta Emerald. Sinnoh = #2soon, Z = not as much cash for the same thing. Delta Emerald would be just silly right now in all honesty. I COULD see Gen 1 remakes... but I still doubt it will be the case. It's known for a fact it will be a PAIR of games being released for Gen 6. So it's going to be X2/Y2 // XZ/YZ // AZ, what have you. Sequels or something somehow related to the Kalo region and the Pokemon there.
  6. (assuming Champions are excluded) Gym Leaders Elite 4 Kanto: Sabrina Lance Johto: Morty Koga Hoenn: Flannery Phoebe Sinnoh: Volkner Flint Unova: Skyla Grimsley Kalos: WHO??????????
  7. Who the hell is EXLi- Damn it Vinny. Stealing my thunder.
  8. Here's an idea. Do a fire, water, grass starter from different generations eg, Snivy, Torchic, Froakie
  9. Are you going to college? If so, get used to it, this is only the tip of the iceberg.
  10. I've wanted to see a game use the Fighting>Flying>Rock circular Pokemon starter triangle. I'd go: Fighting: Timburr Flying: Starly Rock: Roggenrola (assuming you'd change final evolution method)
  11. Gym Leader Name: Trevor Sizemore (Tremor, Seismic) Gender: Male Profession: Philosopher Type: Ground Gym: Excavation Site (He's made his home near the excavation of the ruins of an old society, in order to learn their ways and how they approached the matters of life etc) Appearance: Just having a personality and demeanor of not getting too up, or too down in any given situation. As far as the outfit would be concerned, I think something like Would work pretty decently.
  12. Out of the 6 leaders left. I'm going to say 3 could definitely be in the works for this episode. Titania, Amaria, or Ciel. Sapphira is going to be last I'm fairly certain. It's just fitting. Hardy will be in Agate Adrienn, there's been no story leading up to xyr recently and in all honesty, from everything I've seen (more than you probably) there's nothing suggesting that changing any time soon.
  13. *Ame, has the entire thing laid out. I (and I assume the others, to at least some degree) don't know what she has in store.
  14. Don't pay much attention to that. Ame likes to switch that around to keep people guessing.
  15. I have my doubts about Gen 7 being playable on the older 3DS if there are games that aren't backwards compatible.
  16. I think y'all have forgot who the OG NUMBERS troll is.
  17. If you need some inspiration or just feel like taking ideas. Here's an old thing. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2574
  18. I've already decided, I'm never buying a new hand held system, so whenever Gamefreak decides to upgrade to something that it can't be played on that, I'm gone.
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