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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. I can confirm that yes it will be, I've already seen it in action, however I'd still prefer the backups be put into a sub folder.
  2. 1. I stole a crunch bar when I was 6 years old from a grocery store. My dad found out when we got home, he made me walk back by myself in the dark a mile and a half back and talk to the store manager and pay for it. He then came and got me after he thought I definitely had enough to make it there to make sure I payed the manager. 2. I honestly can't pinpoint one specific thing that stands out above others, perhaps I just tend not to remember things that I'd consider embarrassing. Actually I can think of one. When me and several other students went to Germany we stayed a couple days in Mürren Switzerland (in the mountains) in this lodge type place with shower/bath rooms. Apparently I went in, showered, got dressed got back out in the Womens' room without realizing it was the womens' room until the next day. No one ever knew.... 3. Hold the coffee 4. Nope. Too picky, not social enough and I don't exactly wear my emotions on my sleeve. 5. Oh jeez I don't play enough games to have a top 5 genres. I like some shooters, Open-World RPG's, Racing Games, and NCAA football games (RIP) Find that person who makes me want to open up. Hasn't really happened yet, might never. As far as the 'aim' thing. I'm sorry.... just easier to think about such a short word as one syllable rather than two. Don't hate me. Nope, just because I've been incredibly grouchy and frustrated lately.
  3. The biggest issue would be sprites/models would be non existent.
  4. Vivillon Weezing Entei Gastrodon Cresselia Torkoal Quagsire
  5. We'll be getting XZ/YZ first. There's just WAAAAAAAY too much pointing in that direction it's basically hitting us in the face. Gen 7 will be 2016.
  6. Nobody said that... only Amethyst really knows this stuff, but she's said in the past Gym Leaders don't get Legendaries, never specified regarding the Elite 4
  7. Ame's already said multiple times will be getting a field in E15
  8. Gym Leaders don't have legendaries and they never will. Elite 4 that's still up in the air, but Gym Leaders certainly not.
  9. You'd be my favorite niece of course. As for ground types see above. I'm having some time to chill before starting homework right now. My 'swag' is mostly a facade, truthfully. Because they embody what I want to be. They have power to do what they want but don't feel the need to use it or showoff. A Bear doesn't really try to impress or intimidate anything or anyone because it has no need to. WOLOLOLO \o/ I'd say I was blind, but I'm not Dan. The bad guy is easy to dislike (not necessarily hate). I'm never the 'main character' in any story so to speak, in fact I usually serve more as an obstacle for whoever is. How do you know I haven't?
  10. It's up to you. But here check out one of Ame's videos here.
  11. The flats look good, I'm willing to wager if you gave specific questions and showed your attempts to @Amethyst or @Jan they'd be willing to give you some advice.
  12. 1. That I'm alright with being alone. But the story we tell ourselves the one that actually exist aren't always one in the same. 2. If only temporary the sounds of nature like birds chirping, and nice weather. Ironically, I hate birds otherwise. 3. My unwillingness to share my feelings with others and to work to solve problems. Daily Double. Also I feel like if I had something that made me happy I'd have more motivation, but I need motivation to find what makes me happy. 4. A bitter person. The Antagonist. I'm the bad guy.
  13. I don't know the story Ame has in mind, but based on things I've seen and all the evidence up to now, I'd wager Amaria as well.
  14. 1. I wouldn't know. 2. I'd call Amethyst 'Aim' 3. Julie Borowski - https://www.youtube.com/user/TokenLibertarianGirl/videos A young Libertarian woman explains her views in often satirical but educated ways. She's actually swayed my opinion on things such as Abortion and the Death Penalty over the years.
  15. Why do you like Dobby? Favorite Harry Potter book and why? Do you have a football team you like?
  16. Anything with an intellectual side to it, something that makes me think or displays good understanding and use of the english language in creative ways. So basically screw everything you hear on the Radio.
  17. Along the lines of my outlook on theism, I don't -think- there is, but I can't honestly say without a doubt there isn't. Fun Fact to bust a few myths though. Those who have claimed to have seen 'god' or 'heaven' after dying and being brought back or having a near death experience, sorry but that's not anything. Take it away MK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQyaWFmMl7g#t=1m25s For about a minute he explains why that doesn't mean much. However he'll give other viewpoints for why there is in fact an 'afterlife' as well.
  18. 1. Nope 2. Yeah I'm sure I have been but truthfully I'm not the type to hold a grudge so I can't recall any specific instance. Just doesn't really matter that much to me when it's all said and done. 3. Aoshi Shinomori https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vh337xLnoIM Anything slow and painful. Because Gen 1 earthquake was the OG super move (Hyper Beam needed recharge and screw that) I think you still need to continue to grow and mature, but you've come a long way.
  19. >I don't have preference for one of those tiers over the other, I just like battling people who know how to have fun without being so damn serious all the time. >*bang* >Enough to crash the Reborn server. >No, I don't homepage, just the google chrome thingy. >The same as the number of walkers I've killed. Diggersby is cool, it's powerful in the right circumstance, it's ground type, yet I still don't really hold in any special regard.
  20. There's so many factors that even at this point make it completely unpredictable, should something not go as planned people will whine and complain if there's a release date that gets pushed back. Perhaps not everyone, but even if they don't vocalize it, they'd still be disappointed or upset.
  21. Fixed it for ya. Anywho, you think Jan's just gonna give you everything you ever wanted, nah you gotta earn it.
  22. 1. Flygon 2. Red Version when I was 7 so 1999 I think. 3. I love the outdoors, but none of my friends do. I guess I can list coding (or at least trying to) as one now, since I'm helping with Reborn here and there. I don't always work out, but when I do I love Leg Day. I've lost count. Not a day goes by where I don't think about if I'll ever be able to just sit down and not have to kill at least a few. I'd reckon at least a few hundred by now. >Assuming things like a knife and stuff to make a fire with are 'basic survival necessities' I'd take the loudest megaphone I could find so if a boat was within the vicinity it wouldn't miss me. >Ohio State.... (fuck them) #Redemption >Saving Private Ryan >I'd reckon it's blue Miss Hilda (@Meteor Ace -H-ilda) >That it's governed so much by military means, I'm not saying I'm looking for world peace because that's naive to think it can happen, but if most of the world could largely scale back the Trillions of dollars spent on developing new ways to kill and intimidate each other and instead put it towards feeding the hungry and educating more and more people then that'd be what I'd want. >Top? Bottom? That's all perspective my dear. >Hey can you give me a hand? I've been lost in your eyes. >Not a big Mazda person, but I'd wager Mazda 3 hatchback (gotta be stick) >It'd have to be someone who's really down to earth and not lost in their own hype. I don't know any actress well enough to know if they are or aren't. She's old, but I'd say a Sandra Bullock personality would be optimal. Gun to my head? Scarlett Johansson >Green, shade varies honestly >Because, someones gotta do it, and I'm just easy to dislike. 1. I have no idea, I can't remember what I had for dinner last night.... you expect me to know that? Never made an intro thread because they weren't welcome on my old football forum I was part of for so many years. Things were different for me and I took a period of time to adjust to the Reborn way. 2. See above 3. Probably Condescending Wonka, because I just look at people so often find them to be so foolish. 4. Mashed. Otherwise? Not really. Dear Agony is my favorite Album HTML video? If you mean youtube link, I just copy the link in and it works fine. Otherwise, I dunno. Reignited Light (Skitty) would know HTML stuff better than me. Because I said so. I suppose I like some bacon every now and then. Z >I'm just a lazy college student. (see who are you thread for more) >Forum name is 'Solace'. Just a word I like the sound of and everyone finds Solace within something, just have to find out what it is. >Yeah see, I'm a non-believer (technically Agnostic because to completely refute the possibility of God is equally ludicrous in my eyes from a logic perspective) >In west Philadelphia born and rais- I like about 20 minutes Northwest of Philadelphia >I was born there, parents have never made us pack up and move, I like it here when it's not winter. >That implies I haven't already been stalking you (and no it's not because I admire you, sleep with your eyes open ) Mike To be the best, like no one ever was 299,792,458 m/s I do like me some strawberry jelly, but not the standard grape. I got to about 1500 in the ladder one time, but I don't know if I like battling enough to get beyond or even back to that.
  23. We're getting back on the 'OMG PERCENTAGE HYPE' again. We were doing better for a while, but if this is what you guys continue to do then I'll make a case to Amethyst in the future to just lock the thread from the get go because truthfully it's along the lines of Unnecessary Posting.
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