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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Fern's just a pathetic troll. Blake's literally a piece of shit.
  2. One day I too, shall acquire the great Bicycle Tire Status. I just need a philosophers stone
  3. I'm probably just doing this out of sheer boredom, and I said I'd never do this, but I did it. Sue me.
  4. There's one good thing about Fern. He's not Blake.
  5. Don't bury me with monsters in my head.

  6. Rep point titles have been changed. MUST. POST. MORE. MEMES!!!!1!!one!

    1. Vinny


      I really want to mention bicycle tires.

    2. Autumn Rain

      Autumn Rain

      At least it ain't as bad as a nerfed Magikarp.

  7. Didn't say that at all. Just not pokemon I -like- to use.
  8. Yup it's located at the top left above your Member info 'Reborn Showdown'
  9. How'd you find your way to Reborn? What's that you're wearing in your avatar? You should come on the server and say hi.
  10. Sure, I'll throw one up too having battled quite a bit in LC recently. Yes, I'm well aware they might not be the best pokemon, but they're pokemon I've found useful and enjoy using. I'll be using the the well known JAR statistic (Jericho's Average Rating) 10 - Pineco SmogViability - D, JAR - B You look at this thing and think to yourself. 'LOL it's a weakass bug, all it can do is rocks and spin." That's where you're wrong. This thing is INCREDIBLY bulky, certainly in the physical department. Looking at it's BST.... 50/65/90/35/35/15 if your opponent is using anything that's physical and not super effective Pineco can just laugh it off. Additionally it gets sturdy, so there are numerous options you can use this for. Here are a couple of sets I've taken to liking for Pineco myself. Hyper Offensive Lead Super Tank/Spinner 9 - Cranidos SmogViability - B, JAR - A- This thing has one job, and that's too absolutely massacre the little ones. Slap a scarf on it and you're good to go. Oh did I mention that this thing is a monstrosity? Just look at it's Base Attack.... in Little Cup..... 125. No... that's not a typo. Oh and did I also mention that it gets two splendid abilities to choose from? as if 125 wasn't high enough for moves such as Rock Slide, Crunch, Iron Head, or Zen Headbutt, it'll get ANOTHER 30% boost for free. Trust me, you won't be needing those secondary effects because whatever you attack will be wiped off the face of Sinnoh. Or.. you could go Mold Breaker too... I guess, it's neat. Duke Nukem 8 - Totodile SmogViability - D JAR - A Totodile is my favorite starter and holds a special place in my heart. While I was a gen-wunner, my older friend more or less picked my first starter for me, so G/S was the first time I got to go into it with my own free will and make that initial bond on my own accord. Anyways. This thing with its new ability Sheer Force would rise up the LC viability if they updated it. It's best off coming in with a favorable matchup after another one of your mons faints. You'll be able to get a free Dragon Dance and in combination with Sheer Force and a life orb... Gee willikurs. 65 Base Attack *1.5 (Boost)*1.3(Life Orb)*(1.3 Sheer Force) That comes out to about 165. Oh and assuming you're using Waterfall, that's another *1.5 multiplier. If this thing gets multiple boosts, it's night night for your team unless you have Grade A priority around. DragonForce 7 - Lileep SmogViability - C+, JAR - B+ Hey it's that annoying thing Taka has and will eventually become the thing of Reborn Ghost Stories known as Cradily. Anywho this thing isn't as offensive as some of the others on this list, but it makes for a good wall. It has numerous ways to heal itself and serious bulk. 66 HP 77 Defense and 87 Special Defense, this can be either a physical OR special tank. The real downside with Cradily is in a tier loaded with fighting moves/types it does become a bit vulnerable at times. Seeing as fighting moves are usually physical I tend to opt for the Special variant. Sandstorm boosts it's Special defense by another 50% and it can eat special attacks for days. Oh and it drinks water. #STILLTHIRSTY 6 - Staryu SmogViability - A-, JAR - A Staryu is a very versatile pokemon in the Little Cup tier. It can be offensive or defensive, threat or utility, or just about anything in between. It allows it to be a prime time spinner. Life Orb and great coverage and speed can make it a offensive nightmare as well. There are two sets I really like to use for Staryu myself. Scald can burn if you opt for a more defensive variant and it also gets good recovery in... recover. FatStarSpinTime Super Effective Everything (thanks Hilda) 5 - Makuhita SmogViability - Unranked (ARE YOU SERIOUS?????!?!?), JAR - A- OK, this thing must have been forgotten about because it can put a damn whole in just about any squad. Where to begin... well it has THREE wonderful abilities. Sheer Force, I've already talked about this ability ad nauseum on this list but most of Makuhita's best moves don't benefit from it... moving right along. Guts, listen if you don't know what this does by now, you must not pokemon or something. Any status and you get a 50% boost in attack, make your opponent think twice before using Will-O-Wisp... or a lot of other things. Thick Fat, basically fire and ice ain't doin shit to you. As far as attacks go, it gets a neat double priority in Fake Out and Bullet Punch (too bad it doesn't get Mach Punch though). A super ridiculously strong move in Close Combat, and a great utility move Knock Off. If you want Makuhita to stay in for the long haul. It also gets Bulk Up. If this thing got Drain Punch, it'd be probably #1 on this list. Double Priority + Death 4 - Drilbur SmogViability - A, JAR - A This is a Jericho top 10.... you didn't really think I WASN'T going to include at least ONE ground type, did you? This thing hits like a truck, and gets good coverage. Combined with Mold Breaker, this thing can be a threat to anything. It's a bit predictable if you actually look at it's movepool, but still a great mon none the less. Scarf 3 - Bronzor SmogViability - D (Keep sleeping on it), JAR - B+ Oh, I'm sorry, did you just attack me? That tickles. Yeah so outside of Knock Off (which will be on every team in some fashion) this thing says LOLNOPE not dying. It's got a good type combination in Steel/Psychic and can also be your Rocks setter. It might not be the most glamorous or exciting pokemon, but I've found more often than not it tends to get the job done and reliably. It's two abilities can actually leave your opponent guessing Heatproff and Levitate. It's also immune to Toxic so it's gonna win most stall wars. I'M THE JUGGERNAUT B**** 2 - Timburr SmogViability - A+, JAR - A Yeah I'm actually not as high on it as Smogon, but it is what it is. It's much like Makuhita except it actually DOES get Drain Punch, yeah check out my lovefest above with Makuhita for the rest of it pretty much. It doesn't get Fake Out, but it does have a STAB priority attack in Mach Punch. Smogon Standard 1 - Gastly SmogonViability - A , JAR - A+ Alright, this thing's special attack is 100. That's pretty damn nuts for LC. It's speed it more than solid at 80 will already outspeed most of LC unboosted, so running life orb is definitely an option. But where this thing makes it's name is late game sweeping. Ghost type isn't resisted my many things and it's STAB for Gastly here. Throw a choice scarf on it and even a lot of things at +1 or +2 won't outspeed it often times. It gets a really good movepool, even if they're pretty standard and well known. This thing puts the game away like no other. A Quick Death
  11. @Jan I renamed the two topics that have sunk to the bottom named Pokemon Rejuvenation that I had moved here from other places to be more descriptive of their question as well as less confusing with other more official 'Pokemon Rejuvenation' stuff.
  12. I am a MilkDrinking Imperial. Praise be to the Elves!

  13. Does that make sense for Tennessee? They don't really have a core in place they could put around Rivers to succeed and by the time they did, Rivers would be retiring. Not a good decision for them.
  14. Eh retiring from this thread again. Call me Brett Favre. Fuck you Shing's here.
  15. Hey there Elly! Not big on the bug myself, but Flygon is my favorite mon. (Give it the Mega it deserves gamefreak!) If you're interested in learning competitive battling (or if you just wanna talk with us ridiculous folk come check out the Reborn Showdown server! There's a ling to the top left) I'd love to see the sprite stuff you've already done if you don't mind. If you like roleplaying talk to either or and they'll be happy to get you situated with some of the Reborn ones that may be upcoming. There are always numerous RP's going on around here at the same time. That's punderful! (Puns ain't my strong suit, but Ame loves them) Speaking of Ame, she ain't so bad. She's actually really nice, and contrary to popular belief she is NOT a sadist. Something tells me she'll find her way here somehow at some point. If you have any questions you can ask me or any of the other moderators! Heck most people around here are super helpful. Enjoy your stay. ~Jericho P.S. If you want Ame to like you, just say you hate Budew and Spiders (even if you don't)
  16. I did it for you this time. For future reference. [spoiler]SPOILEDTEXT/PICTUREHERE[/spoiler] If you have any questions you can ask me.
  17. Shamelessly bumping saying that I miss all of the wonderful creations you amazing artists have been making.
  18. Wounds heal, but scars still remain the same

    1. Pixl


      but my cool scar from where my brother stabbed me is almost gone now :c

  19. I think prior somewhere Ame said she had 6 more planned (3 of which will be released in E15) so 3 more unknowns that have yet to be announced.
  20. Thank the heavens for ctrl+f

  21. If there's a higher power, then show me, instead of nocturnal rainbows.

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