Well I'm still attending Penn State majoring in Electrical Engineering. My father owns a business that develops diagnostic software for Volkswagen and Audi and it's pretty neat in all honesty. That's relevant to me because while he'd likely give me a job just because out of college, I don't think I want to because I'm too prideful and don't want to be in his shadow, I need to create my own legacy of sorts, even if it leaves me with a less optimal situation than working for him.
I'm very stubborn when it comes to showing how I really feel to people, there's only a couple people I'll really talk to about how I really feel and even then it's like pulling teeth. It's stuck in my head that 1. "You're supposed to me a man, so don't act like a sad little kid." 2. "Almost everyone has their own problems, that frankly are worse than anything you have to deal with. Don't bother them with your issues."
Alright now away from the doom and gloom. While I don't have any passions per say, I do have some things I do want to try in the upcoming future. First, I want to learn how to ride motorcycles and I'm looking to get something like this.
How I'd like to be seen:
How I think I'm seen:
So yeah, I would like to be able to be more of 'The person you know not to f*** with', but I ain't scaring anyone honestly.
I don't watch TV anymore except for the Walking Dead and Football really. Nor do I really play video games much anymore. Spending way too much time here at Reborn honestly. But hey, it gives me a bit of a sense of purpose.
I don't drink so the whole party scene is kind of annoying to me. I love the outdoors (which is funny since I actually hide inside most of the day when I'm at school), but I don't have any close friends who are particularly into it. Thinking maybe I'll join some club to meet other people in it, whether it's related to school or not.
Music, well I seldom find common ground with anyone's taste in music here, or at least no one tells me they care for most of the stuff I say I like.
Here are a few artists/bands that I like.
I'll probably add more to this later.