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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. I personally would prefer threads that are made in the wrong location are reported. The thread creator won't be warned, but I usually notify them 'hey this was better off here, so I moved it there'
  2. Theme has been posted, hope to see you all there.
  3. Come join us for Theme Tour LXXI: Inverse Little Cup, it will take place on the Showdown server this Saturday (April 25th) at 8 PM EST http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13844

  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiBYM6g8Tck
  5. I'm hungry. Who's hungry? Anyone but shing.
  6. Alright I've started the list over for a multitude of reasons such as name changes, people who are no longer around, promotions etc. If you want your name on here just list your forum name and server name.
  7. I'm redoing the [Forum Name] <--> [showdown Name] list here, if you'd like your name added please message me your forum name and Showdown name http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11119

  8. Just a soothing song I felt like sharing.

  9. Blue/silver Samurott Archeops doesn't look right in black IMO. Golett/lurk look cool.
  10. This thread used to actually have SOME bit of importance, but its become a walking talking joke now. Hasnt been one remotely truly relevant post in months
  11. Insurgence does have an outfit system of sorts, but the extensiveness of the site shop would be a huge undertaking for spriting and it'd basically take up way too much time. Also there's pretty much absolutely no way to have the sprite shop sprite effect the in game sprite for each individual player. Hate to burst your bubble, but it ain't happening.
  12. Some fields might not make sense to introduce immediately anyways though. Like the glitch field, that wasn't necessary until E14, so no reason to put it in.
  13. Here's another set I came up with for you to potentially consider. Right now outside of Tangrowth you don't have anything to hit ground types with very well, or dragons outside of Druddigon which also weak to other dragons. This also allows you to deal with pesky stall mons like the regenerators for example, yes it does give specs to them, but with Recovery I think you can manage anything they could throw at it directly. If you're worried about the increased power, you could always swap for Scarf. Cresselia (F) @ Choice Specs Ability: Levitate EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD Modest Nature - Trick - Psychic - Ice Beam - Moonlight
  14. I delete anything that is CLEARLY intended to be a search.
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