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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Ground attacks always fail..... Amethyst.... It hasn't been April fools for weeks now. You can stop kidding around now. o_0
  2. Better safe than sorry. Better safe than sorry. Better safe than sorry. Better safe than sorry. Better safe than sorry. Better safe than sorry. Better safe than sorry. Better safe than sorry. Better safe than sorry.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HakuTaku


      Are you okay dude?

    3. Deleted User

      Deleted User


    4. AeroWraith


      Oh hi church guy :D

  3. With the passing of time, improvements are made to anything and everything. A few weeks ago (yes it's been that long) the Reborn staff collectively decided to grant users with the rank of Voice (+) the ability to use the broadcast commands in order to differentiate the voice status and (in most cases) ace members a bit more from everyone else and give added importance to the rank. You might ask yourself, what is broadcast and why should I care? Broadcast allows an individual to use particular commands programmed within Pokemon Showdown and output the results to everyone within the chat. To do so, simply replace the / with a ! -Quick Reminder: To obtain voice, one must be an Ace Member, have at least 500 posts, and be in good standing in the community. As seen here in this previous news post by @Amethyst regarding the warning point system. In addition, as a measure to prevent these commands from flooding the chat, we've also installed a new warning under the more generic name of 'Server- Spam', but it will apply to those who abuse the broadcast function as well. The warning is only worth 1 point, but keep in mind, it only takes 3 points to lose voice. We just ask that you use your better judgment on when to use it. We'll more than likely be fairly lenient on the matter just so long as it isn't blatant 'spamming'. Commands that can be broadcasted: (some info and text taken from smogon site) You can always type '/commands' to see much of this within showdown yourself. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Get out there and speak your mind!
  4. Not only heir to the throne, but ny chair is suspended in air.

  5. http://www.gamefaqs.com/gameboy/367023-pokemon-red-version/answers/256702-is-your-pokemon-weaker-when-raised-in-daycare
  6. If Ame caves, I might just have to do some.... finagling.
  7. I know almost everything about this game to be honest.
  8. I suppose another thing to think about just in general is, what happens more. Does your mood dictate your music, or does your music dictate your mood?
  9. So recently I've found myself going back and forth a lot on the types of music I've been listening to and I've found that at least for me the music I listen to greatly effects the mood I'm in. If I'm listening to music with negative vibes, it ultimately leads me to feel what the songs is projecting. Regardless of how I've felt up until that point I feel what the artist or band puts out vicariously. I know that is not all that much of a surprise, but my main question is how much do you resonate with your music at any given time? Why does it effect the way many feel or act? Why does it effect some more than others?
  10. AKA the 'TMs Ame and company won't put in until post game' Thread.
  11. I'd consider playing if everything was free. Don't have a great gaming PC either. Couldn't pay me to use a keyboard and mouse. Gotta plug that Xbox controller into the pc. If y'all ever wanna get rekt in L4D2 go on the Xbox and fight me.

  13. How many walkers have you killed?
  14. https://scontent-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/11133822_1082698138417863_1124297944809701188_n.png?oh=93e991f548b5e03dd0a162ff0a4677a3&oe=55A32B69
  15. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10965&page=4#entry263443
  16. I can think of multiple counters to Fletchinder.
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