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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Alright so this week's theme tour will be pretty simple. No crazy rule. Your team must consist entirely of pokemon who have 3 evolution stages' middle stage. e.g. Ivysaur, Charmeleon, Wartortole, Herdier, etc. *The item Eviolite is not allowed. 1st place will win 1000 rupees. Since I was busy and did not give ample notice for this tour it will be held Sunday at 6 PM EST. We look forward to having you.
  2. When hit shits the fan...

    1. Shamitako



    2. zimvader42


      Well if the fan was off, I guess is now just dirty.

      But if the fan was on....that would make for a pretty funny home-video.

  3. Happy Birthday bro. Hope all is well in the Marines was it?
  4. I could sell a blind man new ears. If I just said hello would you listen to me?

  5. The whole story has already been laid out by Amethyst in some manner. I can't ever see this happening, but only she really knows.
  6. foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood

    1. Shing


      Potatos. Eggs. Rice. Ketchup.

    2. catman9222
    3. Vinny
  7. What's the difference between a hole and a void? A hole implies that something was there to begin with, whereas a void has always been completely empty.

    1. Hypa


      "shut your hole" meaning shut your mouth, what was there to begin with :0

    2. AuthorReborn


      Presumably it would refer to ey hole itself, which is the opening in your mouth. It could then refer to either your lips or perhpas to food, as both certainly filled the hole (or covered it up in the cas of lips) at one point or another.

    3. NickCrash


      I always thought of "void" to be an empty place that cannot be filled, that you can get lost in it, if big enough, that nothing exists inside of it. A hole can be a tunnel or a formation that resembles a bucket.

  8. #MoneyMike comin through. (The irony is killing me)
  9. Definitely Lillipup, Intimidate is a great ability.
  10. Hmm well if you're still around at the completion of the game, that could probably be arranged for sure.
  11. Well, if the stat is above 100, it sets it to 100 for the first berry no matter how high it is, other than that, this is correct.
  12. There are places that let you use their 3D printers for a fee.
  13. Amethyst would make the Athletics forum 0 Rupees >.>
  14. Welp the top 5 of the draft lottery order is more than likely set. with 4 games left. 1, NY Knicks 2. Minnesota Timberwolves 3. Philadelphia 76ers 4. LA Lakers 5. Orlando Magic My conspiracy theory self says it winds up like this. 1. NY Knicks 2. LA Lakers 3. Minnesota TImberwolves 4. Philadelphia 76ers 5. Orlando Magic
  15. Sorry my diet can not be considered kosher. Amethyst
  16. I said the 'older' not original so hush. This... is what made me like the show. I'll likely watch the newer one over the summer or something. Scar is still awesome.
  17. That.... didn't take long. http://espn.go.com/mlb/boxscore?gameId=350406122 :( :( :( :(
  18. There's a sickness in my soul, And I don't know but I been told it's incurable, There's a darkness in my heart, slowly tearin' me apart It's unbearable

  19. I don't have any feelings one way or another towards either team, but I trust Coach K more than I trust Wisconsin. Coach K knows how to handle this sort of situation as well as anyone in the biz.
  20. Define 'play' the game. Because 99% of the time I spend actually running the Reborn game is testing and trying to fix stuff. (With varying levels of success) But yeah, I have to forum.
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