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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. I personally guarantee it won't be 1 game, but XZ and YZ or X2 and Y2 whatever they're called. As evidenced by Pokemon B2W2, why would nintendo release ONE new game, when they can release TWO for the same amount of effort? It also makes them look better for having more new content. There was also evidence after the release of ORAS that there is going to be TWO more games in Gen 6. Based on something having to do with the Pentagon thingy for pokemon legitimacy.
  2. I still would buy the main series games probably, but I don't get planned DLC anymore. Other micro transactions? Nope. Pokebank for $5 a year? Nope. I'm paying the however much the game is listed at retail, and not a penny more.
  3. Screw you game freak. Mega Pinsir Mega Sceptile Mega Altaria
  4. Alrighty well I guess I'll do a top 10. #PowerOverAccuracy 1. Earthquake (Y'all should know me by now, I like ground moves, this is THE ground move) 2. Close Combat (Fighting type is a great offensive type, this has great power. Yes it does lower defenses but you can switch out afterwards anyways. Part of my love for this move came with the fact that Staraptor, a flying type pokemon, got this move. That's freaking sick) 3. Sacred Fire (Entei has become one of my favorite pokemon recently, and this is a big reason why. With a 50% chance to burn on top of being a 100 Power Physical Fire Move, what's not to love?) 4. Stone Edge (Powerful Rock move, yeah it misses, but rocks are good offense... stupid birds and their stupid ground immunity, good thing most things with Earthquake also get Stone Edge ^^) 5. Outrage (RAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWR. Too bad it gets locked in and then often times has to deal with a steel or fairy type, but none the less. rawr) 6. Knock Off (It helps hinder stupid stall teams, get rid of those damn leftovers, orbs, choice items, what have you. Great move for power and utility) 7. Psyshock (The one Special move on my list.... uses physical defense in calculation.... and that's why. If something is greatly specially bulky and you have a special attacker, here's an option for you to go another route and not be forced to switch out that Alakzam or Lati@s, or what have you) 8. Leech Seed (I'm usually against stall, and yeah this kinda is hypocritical of me, but I like stealing souls) 9. Will-O-Wisp (Cripples the opponent's physical attacker, and makes walling that much more feasible, WALLing not STALLing) 10. Precipice Blades (While it's not ever given a chance to shine in competitive due to being exclusive to Groudon, this is a ground move.... that hits FLYING TYPES. Screw yo burds mane)
  5. Anything that levels up into an Ancient Form with Ancient Power learned. Piloswine -> Mamoswine Yanma -> Yanmega Tangela -> Tangrowth It's like Mini Primal Reversion.
  6. I wish it was that warm where I was, How are you gonna recreate and ruffhouse dressed like that though?
  7. I can't say whether or not it can be done, but If it can be, I'd get behind this.
  8. BASEBALL IS BACK! WHO'S EXCITED? I AM --until the phillies prove me right that they suck again--
  9. Don't hold your breath. We until recently had such a 5-star system on users profiles (not specifically for their avatar) that was removed due to it just being ridiculous. It also is just the sort of thing that is... not beneficial in any sort of way? The only thing I can see coming out of that are hurt feelings.
  10. We aren't looking for liars and boasters. Hope you find your way on your own.
  11. This thread is no longer relevant as Episode 14.6 was released.
  12. We don't have time for liars and boasters.
  13. Just coming here to re-iterate, any joke posts will result in a warning from me or one of the other mods.
  14. You've answered the second question. "How many people have you killed?" Now... how many WALKERS have you killed?
  15. You'll fit in. Welcome to the survivors. Just learn to kill the Walkers as well, treat these people like family, and we'll have no issues.
  16. How many people have you killed?
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