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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. "Hi my name is Ame, I forget things a lot."

  2. Do you like Seth Rogan? What's the newest song you've found that you really like? What's your biggest pet peeve in regards to coding?
  3. I'm faaaaaabulous~

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Commander


      Seems Jeri finally caved in.

    3. Ironbound
    4. Jmanultrax1


      as long as he doesn't start singing the fabulous song.

  4. Man, every time I think Popplio can't get any worse, I am proven wrong. Signature move heals burns. LMAO
  5. LOL Popplio takes another L

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Joker


      rowlet's 3rd evo looks stupid LOL. the fuckin wrestler cat looks better and it's laughable at best

    3. Azeria


      Smh. Shit taste nerd.

    4. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Aaron Sir Trollsalot

  6. Fallout New Vegas had the best RPG elements and factions. Ame, put your playthrough on YouTube. I'd watch it. All signs point towards Elder Scrolls VI taking place in Valenwood, home of the Wood Elves. Southwest of Cyrodil.
  7. What do you think of the trend in gaming the last 5 years or so of remaster this and remake that? If you were going to ask me a question what would it be? Would you rather go to an aquarium or on a safari? What is something that is popular that you just don't get all the hubbub about? You're writing a story, is the main character male or female or (whatever else)? What's the character's name? Why did you pick such a shite name? Are you getting tired of my questions yet? When and what was the last nightmare you had?
  8. Did you think I was done asking you questions just because I'd asked that many? Do you have any particular outdoors activities you enjoy? (e.g. Hiking, Gardening) Think you already mentioned running in some form. What sort of story has caught your fancy in Anime to this point? Outside of Reborn, are there any other places on the internet that you frequent? What did you have for lunch today? What do you find to be your own biggest quirk? How often do you cook for yourself? Do you like any breakfast cereals?
  9. What's the most memorable place you've visited? Bathes or showers? Am I insane? Are you insane? What is insanity? Do you like any Hip Hop songs/artists? What bothers you most about where you currently live? If you had a time machine that could only be used once without returning, would you use it? What time period would you go to? Other than Anime, what is something you once really disliked but now really enjoy? Flipside, what is something you used to enjoy but now you can not stand? If you were going to do a physical, adrenaline inducing activity, what would it be? Beach or forrest? What is the first memory you can recall in your life? (If it's bad feel free to keep it to yourself) What was your favorite children's TV show if you had one? What internet browser do you use? Any reason why this one? What is a time that you look back on and think to yourself "Wow, I was dumbass."? Where would you like to have a future Fallout Game set in? Do you like snow? Did you know this was question #100 since you were upset I hadn't asked you a question?
  10. You are given 1 week to live, what is the first thing you do? What else do you do with the remaining time? What is something no one here at Reborn would believe about you? What is your favorite vegetable? Do you have any bad habits? What is a question you would like me to ask you? If you were putting fortunes in Chinese fortune cookies, what are three you'd put in? What is something so stupid you find it hilarious? What have you learned to enjoy since initially joining Reborn? (No, not any particular person) What do you like about Monotype Random Battles? Do you like to wear hats? What is something that every person should definitely own?
  11. What names catch your fancy? (Real names for real people) What is your favorite color that isn't black? Do you have any allergies? How expansive and vast is your wardrobe? Do you have any phobias? How many questions have I asked you?
  12. It's about that time. I love lemurs but. I need something here.
  13. You like foxes, what other critters do you like? What sayings or tropes do you find yourself at odds with because they aren't necessarily true in your eyes? Have you ever had pets? Has Marcello sent you the risque photograph yet? What's bigger; Willy's sausage, or your ego? Do you consider yourself to be calm and collected, or more short tempered generally? Who is your favorite character from a Pokemon Game? Who is your favorite character from a Fallout/Elder Scrolls game? Suppose the concept of 'The Purge' became a reality, how would you spend the day? Do you follow any YouTube channels? What game/book/movie/story/etc had the biggest most shocking plot twist you never saw coming? What is your favorite thing about Pyon? What mistake do people keep making time and time again that you just can't grasp how it continues to be an issue? What are your sleeping habits like? Light/heavy sleeper? Wake up multiple times? Early riser or night owl? etc Which do you prefer to reside in; Densely populated cities, suburban areas, or quiet rural towns? Who are your favorite Champions in League? What thing or game can you no longer get your hands on or experience that you wish would be brought back?
  14. What is your favorite book? What is your favorite poem? What is your favorite quote? What is your favorite programming language? If you were going to start learning any (spoken) language that you currently have little to know knowledge of, what would it be? What place in the world have you not yet seen that you would like to? Top 5? Funniest Kuro-Ame moment? What is something everyone should do more? What is something everyone should do less? What is something hardly anyone knows about, but should? Do you think that your difficult past made you a stronger person? Do you find one's temperament is more a result from nature or nurture? How do you like to exercise? What is your favorite place in Brazil, excluding your own place of residence? What is the most frustrating experience you've had with a coworker? What is the most amusing experience you've had with a coworker? Do you want more questions? Too bad you're getting them anyway. What genres of music do you dislike the most? What is your favorite Brazilian Cuisine? What foreign food do you typically like the best. (e.g. Mexican, Italian, etc) Would you rather be burned alive, or freeze to death? How many tattoos do you have? What does each of your tattoos mean to you? If future you visited past you, what would past you think? Do you have any serious regrets in life? If you were able to go back and change things, would you? Favorite Attack in pokemon? Least favorite Pokemon(s)? Least favorite Pokemon type? What kind of weather do you prefer? What DOES the fox say? What is the story behind the name/alias you'd joined Reborn, I believe it was Ark Andrews?? How qt do you find Pyon on a scale of Azery to Sylveon? What is the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard someone from Reborn say? What is the funniest moment you've ever shared with Willy? Did you ever actually break free from Ame's basement? What is your favorite game released before the year 2000? Kid's these days just don't understand _____________? Favorite Beer? What are your guilty pleasures? What is something you don't like to admit in public? How is the aftermath of the Rio Olympics compared to how you expected it to turn out? Who was your favorite teacher/professor growing up and why? If you were named the President of Brazil what would you try to change? If you were given absolute power over the world, who is doing what? What ridiculous laws would you make? Is this enough questions?
  15. If you were going to ask me a question, what would it be?
  16. This will be my one and only post in this thread. I refuse to vote in this election or watch the debates at this point because they literally picked two of the absolute WORST people to give us a 'choice' between. The poster child for corruption in American Politics vs someone who hasn't the slightest clue of what he's doing. Never in any election as much as this one has the adage of "Pick your poison" ever been more accurate.
  17. Will this thread ever end? Thoughts on lemurs?
  18. Do you even lemur bro?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skeleton


      yes i fed lemurs at a zoo on my birthday 5 years ago

    3. Arkhi


      I lemur everyday

    4. Godot


      I heard lemur and came running.

  19. We are Lemur

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tacos


      i can't believe i agreed to do this

    3. Maelstrom


      Lemur, or lemming? Who follows who?

    4. Zumi
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