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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Dashie is back too hmm? Was half of old Reborn stuck on a deserted island and rescued by motor boat 1 at a time???
  2. This won't be necessary anymore once Episode 15 comes out due to a handy script that was written by Kurotsune that saves each of your saves as a new version in the Reborn Saves folder. The most recent will remain as Game.rxdata and then older saves will start at game0.rxdata and count up, with the higher number being more recent saves. This can be grabbed now by following this thread. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13092
  3. I know it's a theme of the game, but maybe change the black to something else every now and then for that theme.
  4. Can I lock this... please? The Numbers thread is enough >.>
  5. In Chuck Norris, joke tell Soviet Russia.
  6. Bisharp, it's how I've felt on the inside lately at least.
  7. I've locked the other two threads concerning this.... event, because 3 threads at the top of the forum for the same thing is redundant. I'll leave this topic open for discussion of the 'festivities'.
  8. Can't speak for anyone else who's in development, but I've had literally no time to work on things this week, I'll be able to at the very least try to do quite a bit this weekend.
  9. Deleted User

    No Archen?

    Not a bug, just concerns the location of the Plume fossil, moving this thread to On The Hunt.
  10. After discussion, it has been decided that anyone impersonating a leader or replacement leader of the Reborn League will be given a warning, please remove anything associated with such leaders by 6PM EST or warnings will be handed out. ------------Jericho

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Commander


      But how many points will be associated with it.

    3. Sylvan Nephilim

      Sylvan Nephilim

      Impersonating a leader? Good thing nobody here is doing that. :^)

    4. Sutoratosu


      wait, it's just reborn, right?

  11. Cynthia and Lance just have the best themes, a bad ass no nonsense demeanor, and were both very interactive characters throughout. Exactly what the Champion SHOULD be. Steven was interesting but just more laid back and... friendly.
  12. 1. Cynthia 2. Lance 3. Blue 4. Steven 5. Alder 6. Iris 7. Wallace 8. Diantha Red is different IMO
  13. As for what hasn't been said already, perhaps a GS-esque travel to another region after completing the Elite 4, but the Elite 4 would still be around normal levels (Not like 40-50 in GS)
  14. It's be'd unferntunate if all of those statuses disappeared.

  15. That was done last year. Also there's the Status thread so that would be just kind of... not really.
  16. Gym Class Heroes - Live A Little Gym Class Heros - Peace Sign Index Down
  17. Burning some bridges might put my mind at ease.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. catman9222


      Only you can prevent wildfires.

    3. Bearadactyl


      Sometimes you have to burn a bridge to stop yourself from crossing it again.

    4. Zephyrus the Priestess
  18. Gary Jules - Mad World Eminem - Rock Bottom
  19. https://scontent-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10689762_881577948618210_3303650608062225984_n.jpg?oh=71b226f7f5f96f871dde8ae1bef4d7aa&oe=55A4E28C
  20. You're the one killing me but at the same time you're the one keeping me alive.

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