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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Yeah, that's just an older version. This new one is exactly the same with a few things fixed and added for optimization of your playing experience.
  2. Ok I won't be discussing this ad nauseam like some of you but here's how I see it. 1. A - C'mon now, does being given a super pokemon make much sense? Increase the levels a bit perhaps, but they should still need to be trained up and in their base form, for the example of Piplup, would it make sense to have a cute little Piplup given to you at level 50? It's just the only logical decision here. 2. Originally I had C, but -- D - It basically gives the player the option if they want to go to the little bit of extra effort to get cool moves if they want to, which is still less than breeding them onto the mons and THEN training them from level 1. However I do have one little caveat to go along with this, in that if the pokemon being given to us does have these Egg Moves, there absolutely MUST be a prompt on whether or not to accept it at that time. I don't want to talk to someone and then out of the blue they give me a misdreavus when I had no idea it was coming, because now I'm SoL if I did want the option to get these egg moves along with it.
  3. The thing about Trevenant is, it can operate on either a Sitrus Berry or Lum Berry + Rest. They're absolutely different. Sub Seed is not the only set out there that sees fair usage IMO.
  4. It doesn't say anywhere that it has to be a new tactic or pokemon. Good thread Hilda! I encourage the rest of you to contribute your own submissions here.
  5. In the days of Kings and Queens I was a jester, Treat me like a God or they treat me like a leper, You see me move back and forth between both, I'm trying to find a balance.

  6. Shofu gettin rawr'd on
    1. Jan


      Rekt by M3G4T3RR4

  7. Double Post but oh well. First Major upset, 14 UAB knocks off 3 Iowa State in a close game 60-59. Iowa State tried to hit the 3 at the last second but the shot fell short and was tipped back in with less than a second remaining.
  8. Let me be the first to say.... Granbull sucks. Everything it can do Azumarill can do better as well, so there's really no reason to have it there. I missed the reason why Gardevoir (psychic > poison because early in morning), but I'm still not sure if Ame would want to give leaders the Ace of another leader though. If it were Clefable, I'd at least hope it was a very different set from Noels. Like Flamethrower, and Unaware as opposed to Magic Guard Calm Mind/Stored Power.
  9. Well Florges is the only lock right now as it's xyr Ace, Sylveon could also be in the mix for the rotation though. Azu is fairly likely being one of the few upper echelon physical fairies as well and being able to handle fire, which resists fairy. Mawile/Klefki is basically a lock, but I have my doubts it'd be a Mega Mawile because it's not Adrienn's Ace. Could potentially see some shenanigans with Klefki and Adrienn's field effect. Togekiss is a good choice and I believe it will be in there one way or another. Other pokemon that were not on the squad you listed that could definitely be there. Whimsicott (You know what it's Ame, so probably this) Slurpuff Aromatisse I'm not sure how Ame feels about giving leaders, other learders' Aces (Noel - Clefable, Radomus - Gardevoir) Final Prediction: Florges Azumarill Klefki Whimsicott Togekiss Sylveon Must Haves: >Fire Type >Field Effect Breaker >Something to manage Azumarill (Preferably a Bulky Grass Type with Giga Drain or something) >Something fast and powerful enough to outspeed a Hax Togekiss and deal with it (Excadrill is optimal)
  10. Yup, it only counts if the number I stop you at 'ENDS' with 7, or is 70 itself.
  11. Look inside yourself, take a good hard look.... Do you like what you see?

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Joker
    3. catman9222


      HOLY SHIT DID I EAT A BABY!?!?! Where did that come from?

  12. Duncan is kinda wearing thin on me lately in all honesty. His stuff has got pretty stale.
  13. FWIW, that's been fixed for E15 as to where they're like regular revives.
  14. 'Eat shit, and then eat more shit!' ~ Aaron Griffin
  15. Any day you're alive is a good one.

    1. Arkhi


      What about being alive and suffering?

    2. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Still gives the opportunity to begin a new day, make the most of the one life you live. Some aren't that fortunate.

  16. Move on, or just remain friends. Looking desperate is only counter productive.
  17. I won't trust you again, Getting better at choosing friends, This time the loser wins, Cause I learned how to cut off the looser ends

  18. Alright, this thread is clearly not serving any purpose anymore.
  19. (I don't expect them to reach the final four in all honesty though) My question for you all is. Kentucky, or the field? For the other regions, I'm pulling for Oregon (of course), UCLA, Cincinnati
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