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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Hey, this section is for the competitive metagame, I'll move this thread to the Pokemon Fan club section.
  2. Say.... wha? Oh well it's not like I'd even need to add even 10 probably.
  3. And you're both heavily involved in this thread for most of your posting it seems.
  4. For the longest time, I thought nefalem and Smeargletail were the same person >.> The Emolga just doesn't seem... different enough IMO.
  5. I know this is the wasteland and all, but I'm going to remind you all now to remember the rules and don't let things get too inappropriate here.
  6. Hey again folks sorry I showed up late to last weeks tour. We're going to have it start at 8PM EST this week again and we can talk about possible changes for future tours here as well as to what you'd all like to see change/added etc. This weeks tour we will be focusing on the lower tiers. So OU? Out the window.... vamoose. This week you will pick exactly 2 pokemon from each NU/RU/UU and construct a team with them. All standard clauses will apply. You know what's up. You can sign up here, or join the tour that will be opened an hour before the start tomorrow.
  7. I know what I am, and I know what I'm not.

    1. Maelstrom


      which one is the longer list?

    2. Red_Chaos
  8. Slaughter Because it's laughter with an 's' in front of it.
  9. Yeah, Mods can now have up to 10 in a conversation. I'm not sure if it's the same for Ace's
  10. It's not something that's built into the game. via the Forum FAQ
  11. No I think Tacos wants verification that Global Mods and Ace Members can invite the same number of users to a PM conversation is all.
  12. American Football College Level please.
  13. Really wasn't sure where to put this, but thoughts? http://www.iflscience.com/technology/lasers-can-turn-your-eyes-blue-brown-5000 It seems kinda neat, but I dunno.
  14. Vote Dan for president 2016

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jan


      Only if I get a cookie.... and I see your Icon, Jericho. You can't fool me!

    3. JapaneseWallpaper
    4. Autumn Rain

      Autumn Rain

      I should probably research this "Dan", is he a supporter of health care and free food for the unemployed?

  15. Dog/10 I hope you realize that ain't no fox.
  16. I just deleted the post. If you really want it back I can restore it.
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