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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by ThBe

  1. ThBe


    It learns its last move (Flare Blitz) at lvl 45, but in that way, it won't learn ExtremeSpeed (lvl 34)... The decision in yours. Btw, Growlithe learns: Flamethrower @ lvl 34 Crunch @ lvl 39 Heat Wave @ lvl 41 Outrage @ lvl 43
  2. ...a liar. You have to stop...
  3. 10/10 if the Godot thing is from AA, otherwise 8/10. It looks pretty badass.
  4. I would LOVE to join as a writer, but I'm afraid I won't meet the standards... I'm relatively new to the community and I haven't even finished the game up to now. So, I don't know... School is starting up again, so I might not even be able to write! So, I don't know... I may change my mind. There are many writers anyway... :S
  5. ThBe


    I didn't know what else to say! Banned because I like it?
  6. But they are... Anyway, how old are you?
  7. ThBe


    Banned for not explaining why you banned Dominus.
  8. I got Water/Grass... So, I'm a Ludicolo...
  9. He Never Grooms His Haxorus. ICAME
  10. ...11! I want a stick so as to...
  11. ...I run over everyone in sight. I have...
  12. Thank you, but I think you've run short of champagne...
  13. Back from holidays! :/

  14. Unown are so mysterious! They may be useless in battle, but you gotta admit, as a child, you tried to collect them all at least once thinking that it will activate some big hidden event.
  15. ...everything dies! If Pokemon were real....
  16. I got an Exp. Share on my 2nd try! Fuck yeah!!
  17. Here you go! http://www.pokemonreborn.com/league/rules.html
  18. ThBe


    Banned for not having all of the badges.
  19. You could go for a Skarmory w/ Agility. You can give it Drill Peck for STAB, as well. Defensive as well as quite offensive!
  20. Done! But, you'll run out of oxygen. I wish I had eternal health and youth!
  21. Welcome bro! Hope you have a lot of fun, lke I do!
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