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Everything posted by ThBe

  1. ThBe

    Link stone

    I know that! I can't find exactly where that guy is... I've talked to everyone in a clear day...
  2. ThBe

    Link stone

    Whatever I do, I can't find the one in Obsidia Slums. Where exactly is that guy?
  3. ThBe

    Starly Problems

    Yeah! It has become a rather popular joke... Who knew?
  4. ThBe


    Oh don't worry! We all act suckishly at times!
  5. ThBe

    Blue Nidoking

    When I started the game I chose my starter, as usual... Then I battle Cain's Nidoran(M). It was shiny!!!! Lucky him...
  6. ThBe


    When I first triggered that event I thought it would be a Rotom as in D/P/P and then, when I saw that Porygon I was like "boooo!"
  7. ThBe

    Exp Share?

    Oh I looove my Kricketune! Getting me an Exp. Share got him a position in my team! And it's much more useful than I thought he would be!
  8. Trapinch is way too painful to get and train! I mean, 10,000 coins?! After I gathered all of them in Voltorb Flip, my head was about to expload!! And then level it up to lvl 55?! Especialy when it's as slow as hell and the region is full of grass types... Oh, and Soysauce! Great way to get EQ Trapinch!!
  9. ThBe

    Anybody help?

    I believe I've seen a Slakoth in Obsidia Park... If memory serves me right, it was a clear day...
  10. ThBe

    Anybody help?

    I've found this girl in Obsidia Ward which asks you for a Furret in order to give you a Castform... It's not that it is a great pokemon but I want to have it in my collection... So, where the hell can I find a Sentret? I've looked in Peridot, Obsidia, Coral and Onyx Wards only to come up empty-handed. Did I miss sth or is it somewhere later in the game?
  11. ThBe

    Problems with uproar

    Oops! I didn't know that... :$ But the other sure is weird.
  12. Well, there are several bugs with uproar. To start with, in a double battle uproar hits randomly. In one turn, it may hit pokemon 1 and in the other pokemon 2. Also, when you switch out and the previous pokemon was on the middle of an uproar, the next pokemon will keep up with it. It is not such a big deal, but I thought I should let you know.
  13. But then, wouldn't a great weakness to Ice be created with a ground type, a dragon-flying type and a ground-flying/dragon-flying type? :/ And thnx about the rest of the suggestions!
  14. Oh, and I talk about the 2nd team... (Blaziken/Excadrill/Haxorus/Espeon/Skarmory/Jellicent)
  15. I think I still need some water coverage. What should I use and in place of what?
  16. Let's say I change my team... If I've won a badge and it hasn't been added to my trainer card yet, wil I lose it?
  17. How about this team? Haxorus/Espeon/Skarmory/Jellicent/Blaziken/Excadrill
  18. Hey! I'm relatively new to the metagame so i need a little help with my non-legendaries team... Here goes my team! Blaziken Excadrill Hydreigon Salamence Dragonite Metagross -Swords Dance -Rapid Spin -Draco Meteor -Outrage -Dragon Dance -Stealth Rock -Hi Jump Kick -Earthquake -Fire Blast -Dragon Claw -Dragon Claw -Meteor Mash -Protect -Swords Sance -Superpower -Earthquake -Fire Punch -Pursuit -Flare Blitz -Rock Slide -Dark Pulse -Aqua Tail -ExtremeSpeed -Hammer Arm I know there are way too many dragons... :/ All kinds of suggestions appreciated! Thank you in advance for your help!!
  19. New to Reborn Community. Trying to get to know you all! :)

  20. ThBe


    Banned for hating hipsters.
  21. Well, that's how I got here, but I most defenitely believe that it's the greatest of all side-games, not to mention the original series! Congrats to Ame and her team, of course!
  22. Hey Delhezi! Welcome! I hope you'll be of great help to the Community...
  23. Raichu used ThunderShock! It's super effective!
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