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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ThBe

  1. Vigoroth Ate Gulpin In Niagara. TRUTH
  2. No, nothing bad at all! He's just made of 108 spirits! No prob!
  3. Instead of that, you can breed a lvl 32 Foongus/Amoonguss with a Bulbasaur (if you've got it) and then Bulba with Swampert to get Toxic.
  4. Same here! Oh! And I wouldn't mind seeing Surf in ep 10. Actually, I prefer Surf to Fly...
  5. Bad news: There is not such thing! (but it would be cool!)
  6. Hearing! I don't know why, I just would!
  7. ThBe


    Banned for correcting sb while you have the same.
  8. Bad news: They might as well happen.
  9. Oh... If that's what you really want...
  10. ThBe


    Banned cuz I have to ban you.
  11. Yeah, and it always lands. But it will eventually be fixed
  12. You get it by a guy below the Grand Stairway. I think you also need Rock Smash.
  13. I think you meet it in Opal Bridge at clear (maybe windy) night? Correct me if I'm wrong.
  14. ThBe


    Banned for mocking THE DOCTOR!
  15. Blaziken used Hi Jump Kick! Rampardos was torn in two pieces! It's too super effective!
  16. Hiya! Nice to meet you. Seems like shofu has brought this game many fans (accounting me...). As for your problem, I can't help you since I haven't been there yet. Sorry!
  17. Bad news: These death methods are way too "farfetch'd"!
  18. Too many mosquitos!

    1. Amethyst


      Is there a mosquito pokemon..?

    2. Maelstrom


      Signature move that makes giga drain look like child's play.

    3. ThBe


      @Amethyst No,thankfully! They would be more than THE ZUBATS!!

      @Maelstrom Tell me about it!

  19. Whatev! Then you live me no choice... I'll make your life a living hell! (I don't know how, but I will)
  20. Oh, it was nothing! Just gimme 10$
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