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About Trey

  • Birthday 01/22/1996

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  1. Just added an "Update" to the topic. Whenever you get a chance, hope you all stop by!
  2. Thank you guys for the positive feedback! I'll make sure to produce the best content to satisfy the viewers! Doin' lots of research and it should go well on the start and get better after that! See you guys there.
  3. Hey all, Trey here. Quick intro before I go into detail: I am a long time Pokemon fan, from a young age I was hooked *and a huge Reborn fan*. Here I am now, playing RPG versions and rom hacks. I am also a looooong time YouTube lurker. I've always wanted to pursue a YouTube channel focused around these creature's. I've finally stepped up to the plate and have time to myself to do videos (without kids yelling in the background). By the end of next week, I will have my equipment (mic, mic stand etc) shipped in and I am currently working on my channel logo. I am only bringing this topic to this forum because of the fact that more people here have a stronger understanding of the game, most likely have been long time Pokemon fans, and just have the same knowledge of playing Pokemon RPG's and/or ROM hacks. I don't know how you guys feel about this little promotion but I should have things setup by the end of next week. For now, I'll be focusing on Pokemon and maybe branch off here and there once I get better equipment. I don't know any of you, but I am willing to get to know anyone who stops by when things get going! I'll hopefully get other social media sites for this channel once I have solid footing, but until then, I'll be working on getting the channel situated. BTW: I am thinking of recording Reborn first, I finished ep.14 a while ago and haven't started 15. So if I do record this first, I will be starting fresh! If you're interested, please stop by, I'll leave a link here once I get the channel up! If you have any questions, leave em' below. ***UPDATE***: Hey all, I'm back. I've been working on the proper programs to make sure everything goes very smooth. There's some slight hiccups here and there but all is well! =] I have created the channel and released a intro video (no commentary, more of a channel trailer). During the passing week, I've also decided to hold off on the Reborn Let's Play just to create a name for myself before rushing into longer play through's. As a result of this, expect game play of new, short demo's. This is just to get the ball rolling I want as many people I can get to watch Reborn when the time comes! It would be much appreciated if you all who are interested to please subscribe to the channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdwXgZF3k1mmrWRdfVgzpwA/featured Again, I'm ironing out the last few knots to not just to relieve pressure off my shoulders, but to also provide quality content to my future viewers! If you subscribe, please enjoy your stay, you won't be disappointed!
  4. All I have to say about this game is wow. I've been playing it since episode 8, just finished episode 10, and I freakin love it. Also, I just finished playing The Walking Dead from TellTale games, and the similar feature between Pokemon Reborn and this game is that they have a 'episode' thing goin on and I think it makes the game waaaayyy better. A nice story + game changing decisions + cliff hangers and/or a wait for the next adventure is just cool. Well, I just wanted to share this and believe that there should be more games like these (if there is, I haven't explored is much), Episode-type games(?) should really become more popular.
  5. Trey


    Oh that's nice . and thanks for the really quick reply!
  6. Trey


    Hey, I was wondering if anyone knows what level Karrablast evolves at since it has to be traded in B/W.
  7. One question I would like to be answered is: Will there ever be a speed up option or is there a possibility that battle scenes can be sped up a little more? I enjoy the game sooo much, but I feel adding a feature like this would be perfect
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