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Everything posted by UgandaPanda

  1. i see thanks for the suggestions. I think i will be using the said moveset. hopefully gigadrain is available soon as I would love to have it on my cradily :S
  2. Hi, I have another question. On my grass mono, I got the root fossil for cradily recently and I was wondering if I could get giga drain onto it since it doesnt seem to be a tm or breedable onto it at first glance on bulbapedia. also what kind of move set would u guys recommend? I would really like to breed it and train it before I take on serra as I feel like it will be a challenge. Thanks in advance.
  3. thanks, how do i start this event? i just searched library or gothitelle on the search bar but couldnt find any information nvm, found it. thanks Hi, I have another question. I got the root fossil for cradily recently and I was wondering if I could get giga drain onto it since it doesnt seem to be a tm or breedable onto it at first glance on bulbapedia. also what kind of move set would u guys recommend? I would really like to breed it and train it before I take on serra as I feel like it will be a challenge. Thanks in advance.
  4. hi, I want a gourgeist on my team but I cant seem to find the soul candle in episode 13. does anyone know if its still in the cave with coragunk? the cave has been modified and I cant seem to locate it
  5. yepp, worked like a charm. beat corey on my first try. torterra has been a monster so far in this playthrough. Im having troubles with shelly now tho.. need to find a way through her yanmega
  6. Yeah, I came here after my third try because I knew I wasnt going anywhere the first 3 times haha. it was a lot better with the super potions. even though my tactic used was quite boring. Ill come back if I have trouble with corey too haha
  7. oh sweet, could use some super potions. tropius would be sweet right about now. too bad its after florina I think ill still pick him up tho. never got the chance to try tropius. thanks for the suggestions guys. managed to beat florina with 5 stacks of curse from grotle.
  8. thanks for the suggestion. i think ill give it another shot later tonight. I found that I could set up my grotle while her grotle is out so maybe itll work this time. also is it possible to get super potions at this point? if I can keep my grotle alive I feel like I could go a long way. If it doesnt work Ill try bring in another grass poison type.
  9. unexpectedly im getting destroyed by florina, my team is grotle(25), gloom(25) and cherubi(24), pokemon with pin missile are destroying me, especially ferroseed since he walls my gloom and the other 2 get destroyed by pin missile. do u guys know any grass pokemon that are available early that I might be able to use to combat her? if only i could use my spore moves against her my move sets are grotle: razor leaf curse bite absorb cherubi: sunny day magical leaf leech seed synthesis gloom: acid mega drain stun spore sleep powder the pokemon that I know she has for sure are: maractus, cacnea, ferroseed and grotle. im pretty sure she still has a cradily too.
  10. hmm, not sure what my final team will end up being yet, but I definitely have a better idea of what it will look like. thanks for all the suggestions. I definitely would like a cradily in the team.
  11. Forgot about Cradily, might be hard to get tho, hopefully i can get him early
  12. Oh, idk why but for some reason I seem to be missing the button.
  13. Sorry I don't use forums much and I keep forgetting whenever I post Thanks for all the advice. I feel like petilil with quiver dance could get me through a lot of gyms like I did with my gyarados on my water playthrough. kinda cheap tho so idk. maybe petilil for shroomish since he's removed. A physical attacker would be nice too. so much possibilities lol
  14. hmm, kk. I think ill aim for turtwig, budew, hoppip, nuzzleaf, shroomish and lotad for now. Maybe ill switch it up if I come across some better pokemon. No idea how im going to get through charlotte on this one. Still a long way to go tho from now so I guess ill worry about that later haha Edit: oh nvm maybe ill throw in petilil for some one...
  15. hmm, kk. I think ill go with ur suggestion of turwig since I think its typing is pretty unique too. I feel like this will be a lot harder than my water and fire montypes that I did before. :S
  16. Hi, im thinking of starting a grass mono for my third play through. I was thinking of starting with either turtwig or bulbasaur but im open to other options too. Also what kind of team do u think would be balanced for a grass mono? I dont really know much about team building and was wondering if i could get some help. thanks in advance!
  17. ohh, maybe. ill take a look it worked, ty so much sorry double posted by mistake. dunno how to delete it
  18. i still cant get it to work any suggestions?
  19. Hi, ive been clearing route one and have encountered a problem. I beat the heracross once to get the pinsir to 'break the log' once but the log didnt disappear. the picture is a picture of the second time i summoned the two. is this a bug?
  20. thanks for the suggestions, my piplup is female so no problems there
  21. thanks for the quick response simon! also would agility and icebeam be a better option? I just felt like yawn could be useful since I dont have many status inflicting moves on my team
  22. Hi, im trying to breed an Empoleon with yawn and ice beam for my water mono type save file and was wondering how I would go about this as I am pretty new to breeding. thanks in advance!
  23. does anyone want to trade a totodile or froakie for my squirtle? I can try breed it some stuff if anyone is interested
  24. oh, thats good to hear. I could definitely use some grass moves later on. Fighting Archer made me realise that I wont be able to power my way through with the current set up, especially against the coming gyms. Thanks for the info guys.
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