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13 Fledgling


About Wendel

  • Birthday 02/05/1999

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    Azery's closet
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  1. Fourth time's the charm amirite? Maybe this time I won't leave cause of drama in my Nation
  2. I never got suspended for all the shit I did My schools were weird, they did so little about bullying that even when I threw a table out of the window to climb out and go home they were just like "Oh. Maybe we should do something about that? ...Nah" I did threaten someone to throw them through the window on the first floor after they touched my pendant, but he had it coming he looked like a dick. I might have been a slightly aggressive boi as a kid, but who can blame me
  3. 1 question though: have you tried turning it off and on again afterwards? Why was the battery taped in .-. das really inconvenient if you have a phone like me when you have to turn your phone off by removing the battery cause it just flat out stops responding they need to fix batteries to last longer than a day and phones to last longer than two years, my first phone still works after over 10 years and my second phone would too if it didn't break in two :x
  4. I generally don't really post on the forums or talk broadly about my grief but I guess this be an exception to the rule. So as some people back on the Discord know we had to put our oldest tiny dog to sleep last wednesday due to her failing health cause of old age. So I'm just going to leave this here as a little memorial for her. May wherever you are be as good for you as you were for me Vasja Overbeek 25-06-2005 28-11-2018 Thirteen Years, Five Months and Three Days of pure happiness Sweet dreams, my little girl.
  5. just because some people have been nagging for him for years doesn't mean everyone wants him and with that I say bye King K and hello GAURDIAN OF NATURE
  6. I haven't dreamt in a while, and a lot of dreams like the Baby-Kicker I've already told in showdown in a backchannel cause rules be broken in most dreams. But I still remember one specific dream as a kid and one recurring nightmare I had for plenty of years. The dream was that I was swimming across the Atlantic when when I reach the American shore I get bit by a shark and half my torso's bitten off and I end up bleeding to death on the beach. The recurring nightmare started when my second and longest lived rabbit died and I found out my parents just threw him in the green garbage container where he'd grown to godzilla size and breathed fire and had a huge army of dimetrodons who also breathed fire and they were just killin erryone and then I'd find myself surrounded by Dimetrodons while in a ruined house, my rabbit slowly approaching and I'd wake up.
  7. It really wasn't, pikachu is the entire framchise's mascot, if there was going to be any representative at all it would have to be pikachu. Charizard, even if it is my least favorite gen 1 starter, is one of the poster childs of gen 1 and pokemon trainer's combo was pretty solid in brawl imo. I just really don't like gen 6. and I love Pichu so it was never going away, it honestly was either Greninja or Lucario but I remember actually enjoying Lucario in brawl and me not much enjoying playing sm4sh cause I only had the 3ds version
  8. Woops the only thing I'd be interested in doing and I'll most likely not have Switch internet until next year cause money :x
  9. @ShadeStrider I've got nothing against third parties in general though I agree, it does look like that woops it's just that none of them strike my fancy, I'd say the only character that I dislike of the third parties is Sonic the others I just don't care about though DK could've jumped up to the Gudden if he would start singing songs from the animation mid-fight
  10. Out Greninja, Gen 6 is bad and should feel bad and even though ninja isn't as much as a disappointment as Delphox I still dun care... Bring in Fjorm I need my ice lance lady
  11. Gotta have my first main Roy's my boy as first followed by my latest main Corrin, the others in the Gudden are all characters I've liked to play before though I liked Sheik/Zelda more when they were still together or Isabelle who is adorable. Still likeable is self-explanatory I assume? Characters that aren't my favorite but I still enjoy to play. Neutral are characters I'm meh about the whole Mr. Game&Watch "controversy" that happened lately was dumb. Disliked: I don't like em but I dislike them less than the last tier. Ew: I don't like them, I don't care about them, not going to play them, except Dedede I kinda like him but don't care enough about him.
  12. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7uu-109491 Me vs Chim, bringing in the victory for Zion for Week 1
  13. Forum name: Wendel Showdown alt(s): LtDrLlamaLawyer, Wendalf Garadex Discord: Wendel#8207 Availability*: Any time when I'm there really (GMT +1) Favourite type(s): Dragon, Psychic, Poison Least favourite type(s): Fairy
  14. Idrk what sprite but types Psychic Fire Fighting Water Psychic Grass Electric Steel Judge me bb
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