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About PokeBoss

  • Birthday 06/09/1996

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  2. Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask just not sure where lol
  3. God I love you. I was looking at the wrong place this whole time! tyvm <3 shiro was right :3 still kinda weird that I couldnt find it trough the window search function tho
  4. I looked there and there is nothing I tried the window search function and it only showed my old save file and yes but I started a new game and saved in the beginning so shouldnt there be a new save file?
  5. My laptop had problems and I had to reboot it. I saved my old save file before I did but now that I want to play episode 15 I cant seem to find the new save file to replace it with my old one.
  6. That's pretty much what i've been doing.. unfortunately I don't have the quick claw. and my sylveon is total POOP. OH. and my snorlax doesnt have thick fat.. but thx anyway <3 I guess it's just a matter of luck and time
  7. So I can't go get rain dance then? I'm pretty much stuck with the pokemon I have..
  8. My arcanine has Flash fire but literally can only pick up kills with extremespeed I didn't catch a magikarp ;-; I cri everytim
  9. Quagsire : EQ,Surf,Amnesia,Strenght Snorlax: Heavy Slam,Body Slam,Rock Smash,Crunch Luxray: Crunch,Discharge,Thunder Fang,Spark Togekiss: Aura Sphere,ExtremeSpeed,Air Slash,Metronome Arcanine:ExtremeSpeed, Fire&Thunder fang,Bite Flygon: Earth Power,Rock Slide,Dragon Claw,Crunch
  10. I thought charlotte would be a piece of cake. I was wrong. This is my team right now. All level 69 and togekiss 73 http://imgur.com/9KWaGIP This is pokemon I can rotate. They are all in the 60's~~ http://imgur.com/uaKLoH0 Any tactics or pokemon I could catch near by to help me?
  11. Is it me or this episode was really short :/ ? so i'm wondering if there is any sidequest I can do ? Pretty sure i've finished them all tho..
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