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Cowtao last won the day on June 13 2016

Cowtao had the most liked content!


5 Fledgling


About Cowtao

  • Birthday 01/04/1998

Profile Information

  • Alias
    Kuro Konata
  • Gender
  • Location
    Stuck in enjoyable limbo
  • Interests
    Anime, Music, Video Games, Sleeping, You owo

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  1. Dorarararararararararararararararararara



    1. Howin


      A friend told me about it yesterday but I'm not sure if I wanna go.


      Can't help but think I'd feel like "Do I really have nothing better to do right now..????"

    2. seki108


      You mentioned The Sauce, so I have to post it:





    3. Howin


      There's a video of Justin Roiland trying the sauce. Apparently McDonald's sent a whole batch or something to him.

  2. Do you remember?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      I always thought it was "The very first night"

    3. seki108


      Do you Remember Love?

    4. Jelly



  3. This post is about JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

  4. General Info: Known as: Cowtao / DJ Bovine Age: 19 years old Gender: Male Birthday: January 4th, 1998 Location: VA Chesapeake Height: 5'4 1/2 Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown Lives with: Family (Father and Mother) Pets: None Relationship status: Single Favourite Food: Chicken Favourite Drink: PANDA (Coke // Mr. Pibbs & Fanta Orange mixed) Favourite Color: Light Blue Favourite kind of Music: Any Favourite Band: Red Hot Chili Peppers Favourite Album: Blood Sugar Sex Magik Favourite Song: AZISAI / Camellia vs Sota Fujimori Favourite Game: Dance Dance Revolution Favourite Genre of Game: Rhythm Games Favourite Hobbies: Gaming, Helping, Repetitive Tasks, Hugging, Anime, Conventions Favourite Movies: The Green Mile Favourite Shows: Samurai Jack // King Of The Hill // King of The Road So, who are you?: I'm Cowtao. I'm a member for several years and I was here when the site was hosted by a Gator. Anything you're responsible for?: I'm responsible for creating some basic templates to what would be some key site features. Created the first beta Item Guide for Reborn. Created some rules of conduct for Hacking in game and other things. Former leader of Volcanic Nation. Part of the music movement of people putting music on their profiles. The farm movement was also a thing as I was one of the first animal creatures. Was one of the few people who could challenge AO when they were still a thing. Helped people become moderators. Became Snow King. People's Champ Circa 2013-2014. Acted in special roles. Former Pokémon League Challenger. (8 Badges) If you had to choose one of your posts as your way to introduce yourself, which would it be? None. What can I talk to you about? Anything really. Closing statements? This was a long time coming.
  5. I playa da music like Arkhidon too. ;;; Visit my profile sometime for Japanese donjons.

  6. Work on that day rip. Working till 6ish then heading to That Game Store. work also on Saturday till 7ish. Rip.
  7. I guess you're awake. owo


    Let's play. Time to teach you some things.

  8. Having friendlies right now if you want to play. Having them with another friend.

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Godot
    3. Maelstrom


      Well, same old reasons to hate sonic. and captain slide grope. =P

    4. Cowtao


      Tell me when that Smash tournament is happening.


      I promise you i'all shake up those power rankings you guys have.

  9. I am the best Captain Falcon / Lucina on this website. NNID: cowtaooo. Send in your challenges because I wanna see how much competition is still here.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cowtao
    3. Cobalt996


      Only got 3DS version ;-;

    4. Bearadactyl


      I haven't played since Melee, was a damn good DK though.

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