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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Skullkin

  1. Guess who got a nintendo switch for her birthday? LEGENDS ARCEUS LETS GO! but until then, botw fuckery will do.

  2. so how did you beat Angie?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skullkin


      my rock slider dies so fast u.u

    3. fellowry


      If you play on intense, she will lead with Mamoswine, you need to kill that fast, use a pkmn that knows grass type or steel type move with seed to kill it with 1 shot, then get a torkoal or something similiar that knows drough, this will reduce her offensive, then change the field with heatwave or lava plume, then rock slide her to death

    4. Skullkin



      I'm playing on casual and I still can't do it T^T


  4. aaaand make that shiny froakie number four with torrent.

  5. breeding froakies, both parents have protean, timid, good ivs. hatched three shinies now with fuckin torrent. fml


  6. I ship my two shiny kitties, Leoda And Archeus. Who do you ship?
  7. okay, so I accidently saved while trapped between espurr and pumpkin, how do I get out?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skullkin


      can you instruct me on how to do that please?


    3. SilverAngelus


      I can, but the FAQ can explain it better than me, lol:


    4. Skullkin


      fixed, thanks~!


  8. omg melia stole my cacturne's name! the audacity of that bish. :P Edit: Nevermind it was a weird glitch where her disguised zoroark for some reason said it was named my cacturne, then it came out as gardevoir, only to turn back into zoroark when I hit it. Weird.

  9. well shit, I'm stuck between a pumpkin and espurr



    1. Mimikyu


      Get a espurr in a pumpkin costume

  10. oh look it's shiny jasper geodude number three. *dumps into the rock pile in the pc*


  11. okay which one of you deep fried fucks turned rejuv geodude's shiny into Jasper? respect.


  12. tfw you find out that the people who you thought were your friends are too cowardly to tell you about your flaws and instead bitch about you to the admins behind your back.

  13. I knew he'd win with Shade. Don't mess with the ttar luck. believe in the peeko lol
  14. TFW he keeps saying south east whilst going north east
  15. My god that Chatot fight...I thought for sure he'd lose kiki
  16.  that wtf feeling when you defeat steelix with dark pulse flinch hax and then one shot the abra with a sturdy golem earthquake after struggling with both in previous runs


  17. *exhale* fuck aya. no matter how many times I replay with different teams, she always takes forever!

    anyway, on with the story!

    1. Skullkin


      and then she whines about how she's no good and doesn't care like bitch you're one of the hardest gym leaders in the whole game ffs.

  18. if corey doesn't kill him, shelly will. And if he somehow miraculously survives, Aya will flatten him.
  19. best place to grind for sp att evs pre-aya?

    1. Candy


      I've defeated I think slugmas and numels inside Pyrous Mountain with Power Lens.

  20. the one problem about restarting reborn is that I have to deal with Aya again.

    1. Maqqy


      I felt this post.

  21. Teach that emolga nuzzle and electro ball, whilst EV training it for speed. you can use it to paralyze and defeat crobat
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