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Everything posted by MomentousPrincess16

  1. I used a camerupt and luckily it had rock armor or something to weaken supereffective moves so when drapion used aqua tail, it didnt go down, and it was my lucky day i won and beat her gym thank goodness. Thanks for the advice everyone! i really appreciate it and it helped tons!
  2. Oh well hearing that advice i will try to train more pokes and hope i catch a cubone with thick club thanks though!
  3. I also got a quagsire but wheres a good place to train it up? I also caught a cubone but without thick club its useless. ;/
  4. I have tried 34 times and counting and for the life of me I cannot beat her. My moves keep missing everytime I am about to K.O her and it's so difficult :/ My team Swampert - 45 - Mud Bomb, Mud shot, Muddy Water, Bide Ninetales - 43 - Extrasensory, Flamethrower, Hex, Will-o-wisp Scrafty - 44 - Hi jump kick, Crunch , Faint Attack, Headbutt Pidgeot - 43 - FeatherDance, Wing Attack , Agility, Quick Attack Klank - 38 - Bind , Gear grind, Charge Beam , Mirror shot Skuntank -44 - Toxic, Rock Smash, Flamethrower, Night Slash Confagrigus- 44- Hex, Shadow Ball, Will-o-wisp , Power Swap. I need help!
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