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Magus last won the day on April 5 2016

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47 Developing

About Magus

  • Birthday 04/14/1995

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  • Alias
    Fiend Lord
  • Gender
  • Location
    12000 BC
  • Interests
    Chrono Trigger, Sailor Moon, Neptuneia, Pokemon, People who read my interest :]

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  1. 11 years, I come here so little now, man Reborn was apart of my life for so long. 

  2. I got my security plus cert today I am big boi IT now

  3. Not gonna lie the Gardevoir fight in Rejuventaion was kinda BS

  4. Hariyama carrying me through the Angie fight and Amber fight easily. Thick thighs save lives

  5. Gotta go throw money at Jan on their Patreon because hot damn rejuvenation is awesome. 

  6. I would suggest getting a male Meowstic with prankster (I know it is overused) for future fights as well. Having dual screens and access to great support moves like fake out will make future double battles much easier.
  7. I got my advancement results back, note to self, there is always a bigger fish

  8. I need to stop playing factorio, and finish Rejuvenation. 

  9. I don't know if you done any of the side quests yet, but they give lots of money. Both Sheridan and east Gearen city have buildings with blue roofs that offer relatively easy quests. You can use the money to restock. I used a moxie mightyana to sweep through most of her team.
  10. As long as the OT trainer matches, I used the Abra through my play through and gave it back as an alakazam.
  11. Yeah Rejuvenation is an awesome game, can't believe I slept on it for almost 8 years.

    1. Monochrome_Complex


      Yes it's very good, my only complaint is that the cast is a bit TOO large and hard to keep track of somewhat, but it's a real joy to play. They got gen 8 pokemon now right? After  I finish my ep 13 playthrough, I'm going to do a fresh run on rejuv.


      Also Venam best girl.

    2. Magus


      Yeah the cast is so big I really stop paying to all the new characters. I am an Aelita fan, but she does get a lot of screen time.

  12. Time to play some Pokemon rejuvenation, I remember seeing it on the forums waaaay back in the day and it has been on my to do list.

  13. Battling Fezz and Godot as wondering spirits is nostalgia trip.

  14. Posting mine here, almost 9 years in the making, Having spikes stacking hyper offense was good, but I have to keep my starter in the family photo. Names are Absolute Wow: Arcanine Julia- Forretress Raphael- Blastoise Trolleteon- Jolteon Majesty- Dragonite Trolololol- Whimsicott
  15. Kaizo emerald or Reborn, which is harder?

    1. HUEnd


      I'd say Kaizo is "harder", but that's mostly because it changes so many things to the point that the game feels kinda scummy. On the other hand, Reborn feels like something that's hard, but it gives you (some) tools to circumvent and overcome whatever obstacle you're facing.



      Heck, I ended up dropping Kaizo to finish my e19 playthrough and start a new save file using some flavorful passwords since it's a way more enjoyable experience than Kaizo overall, but that's completely off-topic.

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