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About Delhezi

  • Birthday 07/21/1991

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  • Location
    South Carolina
  • Interests
    Pokemon of course, but I work on yachts and love anything having to do with the water.

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  1. More snow! gettin 9 inches over night

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bearadactyl
    3. Tempest


      I love the snow. I can snowmobile in powder then.

    4. Delhezi


      It's gotten old though, I'm ready for it to be warm.

  2. Go with the first set defninitly (Garbodor, Camerupt, Togekiss, Hunchkrow, Porygon, Gardevoir,), but instead of garbodor I think Skuntank, Seviper, or Scolipede would be much better ones to use out of the available poison types.
  3. Ame, Could you do Mega Shinies? They could be much rarer and would be some random color you choose for each. Like a chartreuse green rapidash or a bright pink zoroark.
  4. Honchkrow, definitly Honchkrow. And porygon, togekiss, camerupt, swampert, and raltz.
  5. Yay! I love going North for the winter and South for the summer....said no one who lives below the Mason-Dixon and goes to college in Maine...ever.

  6. yanmega is really only useful in the game if you breed it for mild/rash nature and to have wing attack and ancient power for early evolution and then to help in level up until it gets bug buzz. (trust me from personal experience it was a real headache)
  7. Oh, yes my bad. Apophyll Cave, not beach
  8. Stunfisk is incredibly hard to get though cuz it's rare on apophyll beach. I've still never even seen one.
  9. The first ghost type available in Shuppet (I'm 95% sure) and that's a good few episodes into the game.
  10. Get up (rattle) Bingo Players ft. Far East Movement http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_BGKyAKigs Haha, funny ducks.
  11. That would be a good reason to skip Numel. lol, Have you considered trying swoobat? Good speed and spatk, early game and gives you the extra flying coverage before you get charizard and then you just save raltz for gallade instead of gardevoir.
  12. Level caps and other info: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/game/rebornfaq.html Ground type wise as a replacement for Excadrill, Camerupt is available early and is extremely useful (Numel event). And I wouldn't worry about wasting experience. There is plenty opportunity in the game to level up and grind.
  13. That awkward moment when "Ima just log on to check email" turns into "Oh God! Where did two hours go!"

    1. ThBe


      Ok! That's a good one! xD

    2. Delhezi


      I'd like it more if it wasn't true...and if it didn't happen all the time. hahaha

  14. HONCHKROW IS NEVER REPLACEABLE EVER Staraptor is a very good replacement choice for a Murkrow.
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