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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Hibiki_Kai

  1. I have no idea if this has been asked here before, haven't really used the forum in a very long time and currently trying to get a Ditto to start breeding but it seems that Route 4 and the dens aren't updating for me according to a guide I'm using. I've got 13 badges right now yet I'm still getting encounters that think I have less than 8. What do I do to get Route 4 to catch up? Edit: Alright, updated to the newest version and suddenly it's fixed, requesting a lock or something.
  2. I feel so slow T^T, all of you are done and I haven't even been able to face the first Gym leader yet. Also about the Electrike, do you mean it actual sprite shows up for you to fight?
  3. Hibiki_Kai


    Banned for calling that a club penguin avatar
  4. [b]Trainer's Name(s): Nichrom, Kai, Azel, Hibiki, Wes, Vaughn [b]Ever "caught 'em all":Diamond '07 [b]Games Played:All pokemon games [b]Spin-off games played: TCG(1 and 2-friend had Japanese imports), Colosseum and Gale of Darkness. [b]Any TCG decks: None,  don't play it. [b]Favorite Generation for Pokémon: Tie between 3 and 5 [b]Favorite Generation for Games: Can't decide... [b]Favorite Game: Black 2 [b]Favorite Spin-off game:Colosseum/Gale of Darkness [b]Pokémon that needs to exist: Grass/Dragon type [b]Pokémon that needs to not exist: N/A [b]Dream PokéJob (breeder, elite four, etc): Champion, otherwise Gym leader or teacher  [b]Currently Playing:[/b] [b]Favourite Pokémon: Tied between Empoleon and Blaziken [b]Favourite Starter: Torchic [b]If you could have anything for a starter: Sneasel [b]Favourite Pokémon Song: Together forever [b]Favourite Kanto Leader/E4: Sabrina [b]Favourite Johto Leader/E4: Koga [b]Favourite Hoenn Leader/E4: Roxanne [b]Favourite Sinnoh Leader/E4: Volknor [b]Favourite Leader/E4 overall: Cynthia [b]Thoughts/performance on (Super)Contests/Pokéthon: Setting my mind on them, I become Ruby from the manga. [b]Favourite Pokémon Movie: Destiny Deoxy [b]Favourite Animé Episode: Can't remember back. [b]Favourite Type: Dark or Electricity [b]Favourite Strategies: Probably attack, I mostly try to get you before you get me [b]Favourite Characters: Cynthia, Volknor, Cadance, Lance, Red, Wally, Koga, Janine, Sabrina, Brawly, Liz and Tate, Stevin, Morty.
  5. Hibiki_Kai


    Banned for mentioning Roy Mustang without setting something on fire.
  6. You can try to run but its impossible to escape isn't it?

  7. Hibiki_Kai


    Banned for not sharing Knesocks
  8. Hibiki_Kai


    Banned for assasin Creed Prinny.
  9. Currently finishng/rewatching some older ones-Mon Collie Knights, Vandread, Saber Marionette J. May try watching Attack on titan, is it good or will the manga be better?
  10. This http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYmBwxMsfew So many feels from watching this as a kid and not understanding a thing.
  11. First Shiny was a Shiny Scizor all the back on Silver, even though I guess that'd mean I had a shiny Scyther first then...
  12. Hibiki_Kai


    Banned because the loc loc deem it so
  13. Thanks , glad to hear that.
  14. Favorite overall pony is Twiliht, can't hate her no matter what. Only pony related stuffs I have was a belt I let my friend have, a few toys-namely Twilight and Fluttershy-that my friend(s) gave me and a small homemade CMC pin a friend gave to me-Sweetiebell to be more specific. I have an Oc I made after watching and finishing season one whom I paired with said favorite pony, even though that may have to change in some way. I actually want to watch Equestrian girls even though I had doubts about it. It seems interesting at the very least. Also favorite brony song is a tie between Hearts and Hooves day by Yelling at Cats ft Aviators, Semptember by Living tombstone and the various mixes of Discord.
  15. Yoh, names Hibiki_Kai. Would've been KaiAsakura but email screwed me over. Anyway I guess you could call me the typical shut-in or whatever, I'm sort of shy at times both online and offline-as I drop out of conversations alot. I love anime and manga, as of right now I'm obssesing over Shaman King Flowers(manga) and Devil Survivor 2(anime). Umm, I guess I also like to write a lot, Rp a lot, and just chat to others about stuff. I heard of the game thanks to my brother watching a youtuber play this game and I thought it looked interesting, so as soon as I downloaded the game and played I was already pulled in by just atmosphere alone. Even though I guess 'm going at a slow pace because I don't even have the first gym badge yet. Any way glad to meet everyone, hope to get along and make some great friends, oh yeah I don't really have many places to access internet so my activity is kind of scarce-even though I'm at my nanas house this week so guess I'll be visiting around.
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