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Ackalacka last won the day on August 9 2013

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About Ackalacka

  • Birthday October 16

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    Funk Master
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    The FBI surveillance truck in front of your house.
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    "Interests"? What's that? Is that a term for all of the things you despise? WHAT?!?! You mean you can feel OTHER emotions towards EVERYTHING other than hatred? Huh...

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  1. I like Pangoro. < Hopefully he'll be good, and not just a crappy version of Scrafty.
  2. I wasn't trying to bash his opinions. I'm fine with the fact he doesn't think or want Crono or Marx to be in the next game, but he accused me of insulting everyone... I don't remember doing that. In fact, he's probably right about Crono. But he said "And when it comes to "numorous people" I only count 2 or 3..."... He has no idea how many people I've talked to about it outside of the forums... Sorry if anyone took what I said the wrong way...
  3. Ackalacka


    Banned because I have no idea what's going on because I haven't been on this topic in a long time... Also banned because I said "because" twice in that sentence and it makes me frustrated. BANNED BECAUSE I DID IT AGAIN!!!
  4. Hello, welcome to Reborn. Enjoy your stay. < Also, you must enjoy it, as it is not optional.
  5. I haven't broken any rules in this topic, I merely stated my opinion... I'm not looking for trouble, hence the reason I didn't actually respond to anything he said and why I just told him not to respond to me. I'm sorry if I said something that seemed rude, I promise you I mispoke.
  6. And thus the war was ended and millions of lives were saved.

  7. ... Please tell me you're joking. Everyone and their mother knows and adores Crono... Perhaps you're hanging around the wrong crowd, like, kids how play CoD and stuff... Ewwwwwwww, CoD... Do they also listen to Skrillex? Ewwwwwwwwww... *cough* Daft Punk, Veela, Televiser, PegBoard Nerds *cough* way better EDM artists than Skrillex *cough* *cough* Anyway, seriously, I've asked numerous people if they liked the idea of Crono and Marx being in the game and most people have said; "OMFG SIDBFUIBWEBRUI CRONO, YES!!!! I LOVE CHRONO TRIGGER, PLEASE ADD CRONO NINTENDO!!!" "And Marx scared the shit out of me as a kid, he would be an awesome fourth Kirby character..." Again, multiple people have given me a response very similar to this. So I think the majority of people are on my side when it comes to this. I'd also like to state I completely resent you saying he's just a trophy character... Allow me to elaborate on this. Where to begin... Let's talk about his first appearance. The first you see is his cute little Kirby-like form. He basically tells you "Hey, go save the world..." I haven't played the game in a long time, get off my back about correct dialogue. But anyway, that's basically what he tells you. He gives you a task, and you, the hero, must see it through for the good of the World/Galaxy. So, you go around doing things and stuff on abunch of different planets, then you finally meet Nova. So... You just carry out the task as kindly asked and save the world, right? Nope. Crazy plot twist, well, crazy for a little kids game at least, it turns out the very person who sent you on this journey is actually a deceitful, terrible, power hungry psychopath. Then he reveals his true form... Now, I'm sure you're all probably thinking; "Oh, well there are creepier Kirby bosses..." well, it's all opinion based, but I think we can agree that Marx is up there in the top 3 weirdist Kirby bosses. But you have to realize what his design is based off of... If you don't know already, it's based of a cradle toy, or whatever you want to call it, y'know, something you hang above a cradle... It's something so innocent, attached to something that's purpose is to be a bed to something even more innocent. Except Marx is the complete opposite of innocent. He made you do all of his dirty work, then tries to kill you... Yeah, I think we can all agree that's kind of eerie... He was the only Kirby villian with a personality, and a good one at that. Oh, and it doesn't end there. Remember the end of the final boss battle in Super Star Ultra? Yeah... REALLY unexpected for a Nintendo game that isn't from the 90's... *cough* Earth Bound *cough* You see my point, yes? He's quite the bad ass really, and he has so much potential as a good character in SSB4 competitively, as I've already explained. Also, there were only 3 characters from the Kirby franchise in Brawl, so it does have one more open spot... Why not Marx? The only character worth mentioning as competition is Prince Fluff. But let's face it, not that many people liked Epic Yarn. While it was innovative, I can't say I blame them. And what would his moves even be? Uhh... B, yarn whip. B side, yarn whip. Final Smash, epic yarn whip... You realize how limited his options are, yes? Marx is such a recognizable character amoungst Nintendo fans, and the only villian in any of the Kirby games that could be a playable character besides DeDeDe. But again, he's more of a comedic relief anti-hero than a villian. The conclusion: I'm a complete Marx fanboy... I want him in the next game. Sue me for having an opinion, why don't you? <;3
  8. I'm afraid you're wrong. Ame promised Dratini would be obtainable in the next update... Perhaps she was just trolling, but I have screen shots as proof, so feel free to bombard her with complaints until she does it. <;3 Sooooo... Yeah, that's a thing. I want my Dratini...
  9. Guess who's back, back again. Acka's back, tell a friend~ Or, alternatively, run for your lives. It's your call.

    1. Sir Flash™

      Sir Flash™

      that's what he said




    2. Ackalacka


      No, that's what I said...

  10. My Desktop is very clean. <:3
  11. Jigglypuff needs to be replaced. Period. End of discussion, have a good day. Also, I want Marx and Crono...
  12. I'm sure every Pokemon is getting a Mega Evolution... Don't quote me on that. That's the way Nintendo has made it seem though.
  13. Heir: When sent out, the Pokemon receives all stat changes of any Pokemon in the party who fainted. So basically, if you had a Dragonite at +3 Attack and Speed who fainted earlier, and a Gardevoir at -2 Special Defense who fainted earlier, when sent out, a Pokemon with the ability Heir would receive +3 Attack and Speed, and -2 Special Defense. Avid: At the end of each turn, the Pokemons stats are increased/decreased depending on the move used that turn. Also, if the opponent changes the Pokemons stats, Avid's effect activates for that as well. Basically, if the Pokemon used a physical attack, their attack would go up by one. And if they used a special attack, their special attack would go up by one. If they use a stat raising move, the stat(s) raised would be raised by one more stage at the end of the turn. However, if they received a negative stat(s) change, they would get -1 in what ever stat(s) was/were changed. So if an opponent were to use Growl, a Pokemon with Avid would lose another stage of attack at the end of the turn. If a Pokemon with Avid were to use Hammer Arm, they would lose another stage of attack and defense at the end of the turn. So, it's a bit of a double edged sword if the opponent has moves to exploit its disadvantages...
  14. Given the fact that we can also get a Torchic at the beginning of the game from Mystery Gift, I'm going to get Chespin, Squirtle and then Torchic. Most likely anyway, we'll have to see...
  15. *insert subliminal message here*

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